About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #136 – Bummin’ for Our Dodgers but We’re Through the Next Successful Surgery!


Wednesday, October 24th, 2018…...  Today’s projects included going to Batteries+Bulbs in Corvallis to get a new halogen light for the floor lamp in my office. I walked Rylee and then went and got breakfast/tea/coffee and then waited for Lydia to get ready. She wanted to go to Bed Bath & Beyond and that was right next door so it worked out for both of us! Yesterday. When Tim and Dana were here, I brought up the service call we both had turned in to Pioneer Doors. I called them twice and Dana called them once to come out and make an adjustment to the large garage door on the rv garage. It seems to need adjustment at the upper range of motion. I am pissed that no one has responded. They told me that last week they saw the son, Cory, at Economy Hardware and he said he wasn’t given the message from his dad, who Dana spoke to the week before that.  Cory told her he was coming the first of this week.  But as of Tuesday evening, no Cory! I am expecting at least a call from him scheduling this. I am not happy!     
We have one more day before the rains are coming. They predict about 3 weeks of off and on showers. I still need a dry day to get the last cutting on the lawn. Looks like I’ll miss that for now! We went shopping at Safeway and when we got home, I got a text from Dana that Cory had been there and to check the door that he adjusted. I did and it works fine now.  We’re not sure which time we were gone that he came, but the main thing is, it’s now fixed! Yaay! Later, I watched game 2 of the world series. The Dodgers lost another one. They move to LA for the next three so I’m hoping home field will work for them!
Thursday, October 25th, 2018…...  No baseball today… I got up and walked Rylee before the rains came. It wasn’t a lot of rain today, just off and on, but it went on for most of the day. They are saying this cell is here for today and tomorrow and there may be a break by Saturday. We take my sister in for her surgery early tomorrow morning, and she will be here with us recuperating for a while so I’m not sure of our schedule. Lydia will be major caregiver and I get Quincy duty. But I hope to get some time so we can get the mower(s) out and get the lawn done between showers and everything else.  
Penny came over a couple of times today. One, to drop off some things and then the second time to bring Quincy and her stuff over. She wanted to take us to dinner tonight. So, we went back to her place so she could put her car in her garage and out of the weather. Then we took off for Sweet Home. She had heard about the Downtown Lounge, on her neighborhood website, so we went there. We had seen it many times, right on the main road through town, and thought about stopping in but never did.but never went in before. It’s really just an old downtown bar, but they served food and we hadn’t been. All three of us chose hamburgers of some sort. They were very good! Plus, the beer was cold!  This place is now on our list and we will be going back! We made the 15-minute drive back home and settled in for the night and watched tv. Penny had to do some pre-surgery procedures before going to bed so she went to do that. Later, Quincy and Rylee found their beds and we all tried to sleep. Tomorrow will come early!

Friday, October 26th, 2018…...  Everyone was up at 4:00am! I got ready and Lydia got up to let the dogs out. It was super dark out so they just went potty and then came right back in. Lydia stayed to watch the dogs and we left the house about 4:45am and got there in time for her 5:45am check-in. The plan was for me to drop her off and then come back home. The surgery was going to be 6 hours or so and then recovery time and the Dr will call me when he’s done, then she will call me once she gets up to her room and then we will go visit. I got the call at 1:19pm that everything went well and that she was in recovery now. We decided to wait a few hours so we could feed the dogs and then eat then headed up there. She looked pretty good for someone in surgery for 6 hrs.!

We stayed only a short time so she could get some food and then rest for the evening. We headed back and let the pooches out and gave them some time to run. I was able to listen to the Dodger game on the way home and watched it at the end.  I mean all the way to the end. 18 innings! But, we won!  We sure needed that game! On to tomorrow. It was a long day and Lydia we were ready for an early bedtime!

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