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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #41 – Doctors Visit, Fishing Spots, Elk Transfer, and Home Projects

Thursday, March 22nd, 2018……  Weather forecast calls for rain all day today.  Quince got me up and out even though it was coming down as a light shower.  We shortened the walk this morning.  I will take her out later if it lets up.  Today was a travel day - for the girls.  Penny has follow-up meetings with her doctors in Salem.  The rains have let up a bit.  I think we got the most of it last night.  So, the drive to Salem wasn’t too bad. I stayed home and took Quincy out later in the morning. She was happy.  I opted to work in the house today.  First up was bills. Then I did the floors, vacuuming and swiffering.  I got that done and the weather cleared. I needed to go over to Sweet Home and to the Elks Lodge to turn in my membership request. Might as well go now. It’s a transfer, really, from the Garden Grove Lodge to the Sweet Home Lodge.  GG released me and SH has the option to accept me as a transfer for membership.  I’m told there is a vote and I haven’t met too many people there.  I’m guessing it’s more of a formality since I’m already an Elk member, but we’ll see…. While I was out, I decided to take a drive to Foster Lake and Green Peter Lake (yeah, that’s the name!) to check out some fishing spots.  Tim had told me of a good shoreline place to fish on Foster and I found that with no problem. But there is a problem – the lake is way down, I’m guessing ten feet! They have been working on the dam for some time now so I’m guessing that’s why it’s so low.  There is still a channel with water in Tim’s spot so I’ll try that when I get my license. Green Peter is up the road about eight miles and feeds into Foster Lake. That lake looks full and the river between them is flowing plus all of the streams that feed into both lakes will probably fill them up by summer. Problem with Green Peter is access.  The road only has a few areas – mostly where there are launch ramps – to be able to get down to the shoreline. I found one spot there I will go try as well.  But I see a boat in my future, especially if the fishing is as good as they say it is!!!  I got back and rested for a bit then fed Quincy.  She’s a really skittish dog!  Any unusual or loud sounds freak her out.  Today, we had some serious wind gusts between and during the quickie showers.  She could hear the wind and was so nervous that she wouldn’t eat her dinner.  When she’s scared she goes into my room and hides behind my recliner!  Lots of things freak her out.  One example is when Lydia starts the oven.  It’s not our stove that’s the problem really, but Penny’s that makes her nuts.  So, she associates all stoves as freaky scary! Go figure!
The girls got back a little before 5:00pm and they started in making soup and grilled cheese sandwiches on sourdough for dinner.  It was tasty! Oh yeah, Lydia also got two more pics of the pups taken this morning.  This one shows only seven of eight.  ???   

This one shows the escapee! Probably our little girl! Looks like they’re getting more active now! 

After dinner, I went out and closed up the shop and the garage and let Quincy go for a short walk and then it was back in the house and tv until bedtime.

Friday, March 23rd, 2018……  Rain again today. I took Quincy out for a shorter walk than normal because neither of us wanted to be out in the rain.  She actually beat me back to the garage so I could wipe her down and let her in the house. After I fed her, I showered and went out and over to Penny’s to run her car for a bit.  Then I stopped and got us breakfast and coffee and tea. After eating, I went out to the shop to work on my sawdust vacuum system.  I headed out again and found most of the items I needed and spent most of the day figuring it out and cutting holes and routing tubing to make it all fit.  Still need one section of tubing which I have to go to a woodworking shop in Eugene to get. Road trip tomorrow! Meanwhile, Lydia has been working on a new quilt and spent some time today getting her pieces cut and her layout started on the craft room floor.  She still has to cut the border and figure out which pieces go in which row but hey, no hurry, we have the time!  

Penny is still recuperating with us but is doing more and more each day.  Today, they went out to the post office so she could get her taxes sent off. She even went outside and played a bit with Quincy. Each day she seems to gain a little more energy.  She helped Lydia make dinner tonight and offered to clean up afterward.  But I was already doing that (my job!).  I’m sure she misses her home and will want to go back to her own bed soon.  No rush though. We watched tv programs and double-checked movies we might want to tape on Showtime, which is free view (on DirecTV) starting today and running through this weekend.       

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