About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #89 – Fireworks and New Porch Chairs

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018……  HAPPY 4th of JULY!   This morning we decided to do a bit of running around. I took off to Harbor Freight and Home Depot to pick up a couple of things. Lydia went off to Walmart.  Penny was coming over to spend the 4th with us.  We decided to grill hot dogs and hamburgers. She will spend the night as well because we thought our neighborhood would be a lot quieter for Quincy.  It turned out that although we didn’t have families out in their yards lighting fireworks, we still did get a lot of noise from the surrounding area. They shoot off a lot of rockets around here and they can be heard a good distance away. Quincy ended up on a blanket in the guest closet.

I haven’t made any mention on the rv garage status but I am pleased to report that we are 100% complete! Only a few things to do inside. I bought a cover plate for the satellite coax and got that mounted and the line is now routed under the coach out to the front. I do need to install the dish and make the connection on the coach.  Then I just need to aim it and get the signal. 

Thursday, July 5th, 2018…… After a nice restful night’s sleep (once the late revelers quieted down!) we awoke early and I got Rylee out and Penny got Quincy and we walked them up our street. I don’t go past Main St. (at the end of our block) so the walk is only about ½ mile. They did well together on the leashes. Later, I took off and ran some more errands. We are weaning Rylee off her (expensive!) prescription dog food and I had a recommendation from the vet for a newer small company brand food.  They sell it at the vet’s office but it is also sold at Wilco, so I went there. I stopped first at Coast Farm and Ranch, to check there (no luck).  Lydia had seen some rockers for the porch at Coastal so I went to check those while I was there. Nice. I got everything I needed and headed home. Meanwhile, Lydia went off to Corvallis and to our B of A branch. We pay our car and homeowners insurance once a year and she wanted to make sure she transferred funds into the account in time. Once we were both home and rested, we took off again to go look at more lounge chairs. We ended up at Coastal and bought the three-piece set (@ 20% off). Coastal is cool – when you buy something big, you drive around and through their loading area inside the building.  They loaded up our purchase and we drove out and home. I decided to wait until tomorrow to assemble the chairs. We ate an early dinner and called it a day. 
Friday, July 6th, 2018……  I got up and did the usual routine – let Rylee out to pee, play with Rylee, feed Rylee, shower, get dressed, walk Rylee, and eat breakfast (this time at home). Then I went out and started putting the pair of chairs and the table together.  Once we got them set up on one side of the door on the front porch, Lydia decided that we needed a matching set for the other side of the porch. So, we headed back to Coastal and got the second set. I got those done and set up and, she’s right, it does look better!

After that, I rested for the afternoon. We ate lunch and so neither of us wanted dinner later.     
Saturday, July 7th, 2018……  This morning Penny came by to get the truck.  She was going to Home Depot to buy a screen door for her front door.  We decided last night that we would go to the Farmer’s Market in Corvallis to pick up some fresh fruit and veggies. It was a familiar site for Rylee, having been there back in May. It was the same thing again – we couldn’t go more than a few feet before someone wanted to pet her! But she had fun and visited with other dogs there. We got everything we were looking for and headed back home to rest and kick back for the day. I’m still trying to catch up on all of the things I taped while we were in Maui. I’m making headway but still have a lot to go!  

Sunday, July 8th, 2018……  I ran into our neighbor, Lou, while I was out walking Rylee. He has two little older dogs and Rylee eventually got to know them and they were good. It was nice we met up because I have wanted to ask Lou about my apple trees. He has about 20 fruit trees on his property and a lot of them are apple trees. First off, I wanted to know what kind of apples I have. He doesn’t know but they are still small and green. Next question was why they are so wrinkly and prone to bugs. First off, I need to water them more. Then I need to spray them. Funny, Walt ran irrigation out past the grapevines and the apple trees to get to the blueberry bushes. You’d think he would have done all of them! So, I got out my whirlybird sprinkler and set it up out there. He said it was too late to spray so we’ll see what we get this year!  I also don’t know why Walt planted the grapes, apples, and blueberries so close together.  We had great blueberries and grapes last year so if the apples (in the middle) don’t work out this year, I’m going to cut them down and ease the space for the grapevines.   

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