About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #149 – Dinner With Sis and Janice, Lunch With Kirk and Then off to Church!

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018…...  Not much going on today. We ate breakfast in today and just kicked back and watched tv all day. We are going over to my sister’s house for dinner tonight. Taking Rylee. Wow, she gets to go on two car rides in two days!  Wooo woo! She has asked Janice to come over and she has stuffed salmon on the menu. We are bringing veggies. Not sure what kind yet…..

Lydia went to the store and got butter beans. Nothing fancy, but one of my favorites. We were told that Janice wanted to wear her ugly sweater tonight so we decided to do the same. So, we headed over a little before 5:00pm and got our doggie unloaded and she ran around a bit in the front yard. She met Gunner, the black lab puppy from next door. They didn’t get too much of a chance to play but maybe another time. Janice came by later without her sweater. She felt so bad she went home and changed! She only lives around the block so it wasn’t a long drive.  I think I won!

We had a nice meal and sat around and talked and had a few drinks. It was a nice evening. Rylee even took a break to rest next to Janice for a minute or two….

Sis asked us to take Quincy home for another sleepover. Quincy has been restless at their house lately and she said she needed a good night’s sleep. So, we loaded both of them up and did another car ride back home. Q sleeps on the guest bed and Rylee sleeps with us so all we were all going to get a good sleep.     

Monday, December 3rd, 2018…...  Last night was uneventful. Like I said, we all got a good night’s sleep! I took Quincy out for her business/walk/run and then we let Rylee out to run with her before bringing Q in for her breakfast. Lydia had a dermatologist appointment this morning and she headed off for that while I watched the pups. They had crashed so it was a good time for me to do my first-of-the-month bills. Yuuuck!  My sister came over later and got Quincy and I left to go to the lumber yard to look for some material for the shop racks. I wasn’t ready to pay the price at either of the two lumber yards in town. I will head to Albany maybe toward the end of the week.

Oh yeah, here is the pic we had taken the other night at the carousel…

We ate leftovers and watched The Great Christmas Light Fight – or at least part of it – before calling it a night and heading off to bed.  
Tuesday, December 4th, 2018…...    Today we are headed over to Corvallis to lunch with Kirk and then over to his church to see their nativity scene. We met him at Block 15 and enjoyed a nice meal. Then we followed him to his church parking lot. I said nativity scene. I should have said, scenes! The church has been doing this for many years. In fact, we went on the 25th anniversary of folks setting up nativity scenes in their parish hall. They have over 200 individual nativities set up. Many from folks in the US but many are from other countries. They did a great job!

They also had a little game you could play. They had 20 items on a find list and you could go and check off each item on this ‘scavenger’ list as you spotted them. Some items on the list were: a diamond shaped manger, an angel holding a red heart, a nativity in a matchbox, a green dragon. Between the three of us, we managed to find all 20, plus the bonus, a single donkey! As I said, it was a lot of fun and we plan on going again next year. We got back home and rested for the day. Lydia made omelets for dinner and then we watched the rest of Christmas Light Fight before going back to watch our own taped shows.          

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