About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #154 – Drs. Appointments and Back to the Grapevines 


Monday, December 17th, 2018…...  Today we had two things to do, or should I say Lydia had two things to do… She took off around 8:45 for her appointment with the gastrologist. They needed to check with her and make sure she was able to have her Thursday colonoscopy. Her symptoms have lessened so it’s a go. It started sprinkling early so I didn’t go out this morning after I walked Rylee. But just a bit later the weather cleared up and the sun came out and it was a beautiful day. While Lydia was gone, I took Rylee out to the shop with me. But she saw activity across the street at Ollie’s house and she was gone! The neighbor from behind Paul and Corie’s house had come by to see if her dogs were ok. Seems he heard what sounded like a dog stuck in an animal trap. Everybody’s animals were ok so we figure it was an injured coyote. There have been cougar sightings in the area recently. Or maybe a coyote had killed a fox and that’s what they heard. Anyway, Rylee played with the dog they brought with them and Ollie came out and all three had a great run around the yard! I brought her back home and, since the weather was nice, I went out and trimmed some more of the grapevines. When I finished filling the barrel, I came in. My sister came by to drop off some cheesecake and after spending time out there with me, went in to visit with Lydia, who had come back from her appointment and was reading up on the paperwork they gave her about her procedure.  Lydia was on the phone because she forgot the time and missed her mammogram. They got it rescheduled for next month so she’s good. 
The rest of the day was uneventful and we ate and then watched tv until bedtime. 

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018……  Only One Weektil CHRISTMAS!  This morning we had some actual rain! It came down pretty hard for about an hour. So, now our low-lying backyard grass is now really waterlogged! The French drains help but they filled up from the downpour.  Needless to say, I didn’t take Rylee out for her walk as early as I usually do. I ate breakfast and read the paper and watched tv for a while. Later, the skies cleared up and the sun came out again. I got Rylee out and Sabrina was also out walking Camo, the English bulldog from up the street.  Rylee is now close to 70 lbs and Camo is just 60 but he’s a very aggressive 1 yr. old and even though he’s fixed, he still has his urges. Rylee just wants to play and doesn’t understand why he doesn’t want to play face to face (if you know what I mean).  She always ends up laying down and playing submissive (this time right on the wet road) and I’m done with that so I split them up and we continued with our walk. Later in the day, the skies clouded up again and it started in again. This storm is supposed to be very weak but is pretty good-sized and will hang around for a few days, so we’re not drying out again until Thursday.  Lydia took some shrimp out of the freezer and baked potatoes to go with it and we ate and watched our programs until calling it a night.
Wednesday, December 19th, 2018…...  I wanted to go to Lowes and/or Home Depot Albany this morning to get some new towel bars for the master bath. We’ve changed out all of the drawer pulls and need to now do the towel bars. Walt has three different styles one of which is oak, so we need to change that out. I took Rylee out and then let her run with Quincy who was visiting. Later, when they went back home, I followed them and helped my sister get her new safe put in her house. It’s a Christmas gift from us but she picked it out on to Amazon and just had it delivered direct to her place. It came last week. It’s not that big but we had to dolly it in so I wanted to make sure she didn’t do it by herself. Christmas came early for her this year! I stopped on the way home and got breakfast and brought it home. Lydia is on a restricted diet prior to her colonoscopy tomorrow so she just ate some toast. She takes a pill today to help start the process. Then later, she will take the liquids required and you all know what happens after that! So, she is staying close to the house. I want her to help choose what style of towel bars we will put in so I’m going to wait until we can both go together. So, I’m sticking around the house with her. The weather is kind of icky today. No rain yet but the skies are cloudy. If it warms up a bit, maybe I’ll go out and work on the grapevines some more.  
Ok, no working on the grapevines today. No much rain but I decided to wait until another day. I fixed my own dinner as she is on a restricted diet for tomorrow. Around 5:00pm, she started in on the liquid assignment. Later, we planned on watching the taped finale of Survivor but she transitioned to watching tv in the bedroom to be closer to the toidy! She ended up falling asleep early. Besides, she has to be up at 5:00am to start back on the other half of the liquid.        

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