About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #151 – A Little Rain, and a Lot of Sun!

Saturday, December 8th, 2018…...  Rylee let us sleep in this morning. When I say sleep in, I mean she gave us about 20 minutes extra time before she crawls up your face to get you up! I got up and fed her and got showered and ready to go out. As forecast, it rained a little last night. A light rain, just enough to give everything a good soaking. But this morning it stayed away and it was definitely warmer (it was 40º but that’s a lot better than 26!) so the morning walk with the big ole white dog was pleasant. Sis came by with Quincy and Rylee joined them after they had their walk out in the west 40. I cleaned monkey butt up when they came back then left and got us breakfast - Starbucks for coffee/tea and McDonald's for yogurt parfait/oatmeal/egg McMuffins.  The girls at Starbucks always call me by name since I come in so often (I know their names too!) and today, they gave me a personalized Christmas card!  How nice!  After I ate, I went out to finish up on the racks. I got the last of the wood slats cut and installed. 

Then I cleaned up the shop and came in to rest for a bit. I had one more item on my Christmas list to go get, so I took off and got that done and came home.  Lydia was still working on laundry. Fun stuff! Rylee is bored and always wants to play. She brings me toys and then challenges me to take them from her! We end up running around the house until I’m worn out! Of course, she wants to be with me when I’m out in the workshop and I always try to let her have time outside, especially when the weather is nicer, like today. Forecast is for rain (in some degree) on and off for the next week, so we’re out there when we can. I came in and read my email and found that my doctor sent me one, and that sent me to the referenced lab report parked in MyChart, our medical communication venue. My bone scan results showed a slight improvement compared to the last one done late in 2016. He wants me to continue on my once-a-week Alendronate pill. But I had stopped taking that one because it was causing severe joint pain, especially in my knees, so now I have to ask him if we can try something else instead. I sent him a message and I should hear back next week… 
Lydia got the rest of her chicken dumpling soup out of the freezer and we had that for dinner. After I cleaned up the kitchen, it was resting and tv for the evening - although she still had clothes going in the washer and dryer, so she had to keep on top of that chore.     

Sunday, December 9th, 2018……  Today was really a do-nothing day! Lydia got up with Rylee and let her out and then fed her. I actually got to sleep in today! Yaay! I did get up (around 8:00am) and got showered and then took her out for her walk. It is supposed to drizzle today but it was still dry when we went out so that was good. We ate in this morning and just spent the day laying around the house. The rains started about 10:00am and it was sprinkling on and off for most of the day. Needless to say, we had an anxious, frustrated puppy who wanted some quality time outside! But I managed to roughhouse with her around the house several times and that helped wear her out a bit during the day so we were good.     
Monday, December 10th, 2018…...   The weather today was supposed to be more rain. When we woke up this morning and I let butthead out to pee, no rain, but it was super foggy! I was thinking about breakfast and I came up with going out to Kevin’s. I texted my sister and she met us there. We had to go early so Lydia could drop me off back at home and still make her 10:00am appointment with the optometrist in Albany. No problem. All was good. She made it!  The sun came out after the fog burned off and it turned out to be a really super nice sunny day!  I went out to the shop and moved the new shelving rack out of the way and tore the drywall off of the north wall. Well, only about two feet up but it was still an eight foot long piece. I needed to find and repair a leak in the PVC water line that ran through there to the spigot at the front of the shop. The water was turned off going to that spigot and it has never worked since the day we moved in. The rack would be going in to block it – so now was the time to take care of it. I ended up putting in a longer piece of pipe than I planned, thus the large hole. But at least I got it taken care of. Tomorrow (if I can sneak it in between showers) I will go get the drywall and get it pieced back in there and taped and mudded. Lydia got back and she rested for a while in her office with the drapes closed because she was still dilated from the eye doctor. She had said that we needed to go grocery shopping and later in the afternoon she felt fine and we went to the store. I was hungry since I didn’t have lunch. That’s a bad thing to do – go grocery shopping when you’re hungry! We spent more than we wanted but we ended up with a well stocked shopping cart and now have meals planned for a while now. Among other meats, we bought Lloyd’s bbq pulled pork and also got some brioche buns and had sandwiches for dinner and watched tv while we ate. We actually got all caught up on Guys Grocery Games tonight! We are taping Reba’s Country Christmas but will get to that another day.  While we were watching tv, Lydia got a call from her 'lunch ladies'. They were out having their Christmas party dinner and they passed the phone around so each of them could talk with Lydia. She sure enjoyed that! If we had been able to make that rv trip down to Calif., she would have been there to be with them all. But, this was the next best thing!     

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