About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #156 – Working Around the Weather and Getting Ready for Christmas Eve


Friday, December 21st, 2018…...  Today, the weather was kind of cruddy. While it wasn’t raining, it was cloudy and cold. When I walked Rylee this morning, I had to dodge the water puddles because they were iced over.  Of course, it would be really cold - this is the first day of winter! Lydia had a good night’s sleep but Rylee is having some digestion issues and wanted outside more often to do her (runny) business. Last night she did sleep ok but got me up twice to go out. This morning Lydia smelled an accident on the living room carpet and got up to clean that up and spray it. Yuucck!  But muttley seems to be doing ok this afternoon and as we got in to the evening hours, everything looks normal again.
I’m keeping track on the motorhome fridge right now. I went out to start the coach and run it a bit and I always check out everything I can. The blue ice in the freezer wasn’t frozen and the fridge didn’t seem that cold.  So, I put some water in a cup and placed it in the freezer and put some bottled water in the fridge.  I turned up the settings and will check it tomorrow to see if I just had it set too low when we parked it. 
The rest of the day we just kicked back and relaxed and watched tv. I did take butthead out for another walk. Our grass still remains too soggy for her to run around and play on. But I can still get her out on the street and she can at least get some bit of exercise.
Later, Lydia said she wanted to go to Skyline for soup and salad. I wasn’t super hungry so I got their beef dip and a cup of soup. They give you a large sub bun full of beef so I ended up taking half of the sandwich to go. We got back home and were done for the night and just watched tv until bedtime.   
Saturday, December 22nd, 2018……  This morning we got up early and got our showers done and I got Rylee out and walked. My sister came over with Quincy and after they were done, she fed her here. We then left the dogs at home to rest and have the house to themselves while we took off to go to Shirley’s for breakfast. Then we headed over to Albany and went to Home Depot, Staples, and Lowes for some shopping. Christmas is done – this was for the bathroom towel racks and sis wanted to look at buying a printer. We got all of that done and headed back home, stopping by our Vet’s office to buy dog food for Rylee and get some prescription meds for Quincy. We headed home and I fed super pooper her lunch and Penny took Q home. The weather was overcast but dry. The sun came out for a bit mid-afternoon. After lunch I went out to the shop and worked out there for a while. I also went back to the grapevine pruning and got some more of that completed. I cut them up into 6-in. lengths and put them in trash containers to use as kindling for the stove in the workshop. One of the things on my shopping list was trash containers and I totally forgot about them while we were at Home Depot and Lowes! Dang! Oh well, I have one more trash can I can fill up. Instead of the trash cans, I think I’ll come up with a bin or something I can put just outside the workshop to dump these small vines into. Making a bin will make it easier to get to when I need them.  Later, we headed over to Walmart to get a few things and then came home and Lydia baked the last of the halibut that Tim & Dana had given us. Before it got too dark, I went out and checked the rv fridge. Everything is working as expected. Phew!  Later, we settled in and caught up on some of our taped shows and then called it a night.    
Sunday, December 23rd, 2018…... We slept right up until the time Rylee wanted us up – about 6:15am! She wanted out to go potty. I let her out and she did her business and I went right back to bed – after wiping her paws down. She’s been good about leaving us alone until about 7:00am when she comes looking for one of us get up to feed her breakfast. I was her choice today so I was now up! I got cleaned up and headed off to Starbucks and McDonald's but the rest of day I stayed around the house. Lydia went back to Walmart to get some items she forgot for our Christmas Eve dinner. We like to have Mexican food on that night and this year we’re planning on two types of enchiladas. My sister is bringing the rice and beans. I did get online and found a cabinet Lydia wants for above the toilet in our bathroom, so I ordered that. We ate an early dinner and each watched our shows until bedtime.

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