About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #150 – Colder Weather and More Shopping

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018…...  Today was my day to run errands. I got my dog walking duty completed then took off. My job today was to go get some lumber to finish my shelves. I stopped and checked Home Depot but Lowes was cheaper and the selection was better there this time so I picked up what I think I needed and headed home. Lydia hung around the house and got some laundry ready. The weather here has turned cold! But no snow yet. It’s funny – when it rains the winds coming in with the showers are warmer so the low temps stay in the forties. But when it’s clear and sunny, the winds get colder, so the morning temps can get down below freezing. This morning it was 27º when I took Rylee out!  Brrrr!  So, I am no longer in my shorts. I have two pairs of jeans with flannel lining and I broke them out of hibernation and for the last couple of days have been wearing nice warm flannel now, at least for the morning walks. It does get into the mid to high 40s and that’s comfortable for me now. I have already made the rounds and covered the water spigots so they don’t freeze. The temps in the rv garage have stayed well above freezing so we don’t have to winterize the coach during these cold winter mornings.  We just won’t be using the rig for the rest of winter! Later in the afternoon, we decided to drive down to Eugene to do a little shopping. We were going to take monster mutt with us and take turns going inside the stores but when we stopped on the way at my sister’s house to help her unload a piece of furniture from her car, we decided to leave her there so she could terrorize, oops, I mean play with Quincy. We got our shopping done and drove back to Lebanon. When we got to town, I dropped Lydia off at the grocery store to get a round steak and tortillas for steak burritos, while I went on to get Rylee from my sister’s. Then we went home and got dinner made and watched yet another few episodes of Guys Grocery Games while we ate. Still not caught up! We’ll get there but we can only binge watch a few episodes at a time.  

Thursday, December 6th, 2018……  I walked Rylee then took off again for Albany. Today I was looking for a couple of things at Harbor Freight and then I wanted to stop by Habitat for Humanity. I was looking for some plexiglass and this was stop one before I hit Hobby Lobby or Michael's. I found what I needed and the piece was only one dollar! I completed my stops at Lowes and got cup hooks. I am working on the upper entryway window. Walt had left us three lighted stars and all of the hookups to hang them in the window. (You can see these in the photo of the house lights I previously had posted.) I replaced one that had bad bulbs last year. The other two worked fine last year but this year one of them had a few bad bulbs. I had already bought two new stars (actually bought three so I have a replacement) but wanted a better way to hang them. The plexiglass I bought I cut into two-inch strips and mounted the stars to these. Then I drilled them to hang on cup hooks or nails so they would hang straight and not spin around. I finished them in the workshop and brought them in and got everything hung in the window. Looks a lot better now. 

Lydia had gone off with Penny to do some shopping in Albany. Plus, they each had a gift card from our realtor, Aimee, that allowed them to go get a free plant from Garland’s Nursery. Garlands is between Corvallis and Albany and they came back that way so they could stop and get that done on the way home. When they got back, we decided that tonight it would be leftovers for dinner.  We watched our recorded shows until bedtime.        

Friday, December 7th, 2018…...   This morning I got on all of my cold weather gear, and took Rylee out. It was 29º. I brought in the morning newspaper and then took off and got coffee/tea. Lydia had made us pancakes and sausage for breakfast and we finally sat down and watched Garth Brooks’ special from Notre Dame Stadium while we ate. We have always liked him and his shows do not disappoint. We had gone to see him years ago at his concert at the Hollywood Bowl.  In the paper this morning, was an article posted about the Capitol Christmas Tree. It was lit yesterday by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, assisted by an Oregonian resident. The tree was cut from a US Forest area just outside of Sweet Home, probably 20 miles or so from our house. So, we had a connection with it and watched the news as it was loaded and took off on a convoy to DC. The 10,000 ornaments on it (and the 70 other smaller trees that are in offices nearby), were also made by volunteers here in Oregon.

Later, I came in and worked on this blog and also went online and ordered my Christmas gift from Lydia and Randy/Maryanne.  We had Marco Polo(ed) with the kids last week and they had an idea for a gift exchange this year, Since we won’t be together, and rather than play gift card exchange, they proposed that we (along with Penny) go out and get an item that we want for ourselves, and wrap it up and put it under the tree. On Christmas day, we will Marco Polo and each record the opening of these gifts from them and them from us. My gift from them is what I ordered so I won’t spoil it by saying what it is.  We have a dollar limit, so that is why my gift is combined with Lydia and Randy/Maryanne. This new gift idea is something different so we’ll see how it goes….
I took butthead out and tied her up by my shop so she could be outside. By this time it was up to 39º. She has more than enough hair to keep her warm and so she loves just being out there. I cut some of the 2x8 lumber for the shelves on the new rack. I stopped for lunch and never went back out there to work – only later when I shut down everything and closed the door for the night. My sister came over to bring the Q dog to play with muttley. She went out all white and came back with black paws! They do have a lot of fun though and Rylee needs the exercise and the playtime. I had fixed myself some mac and cheese for lunch and wasn’t hungry for dinner so Lydia made herself a little meal. We settled in for the evening and watched tv until bedtime.   

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