About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #26 – Labwork, Taxes and More Snow Forecast!


Monday, February 19th, 2018…...  First off, both of us did ok last night.  We’re not sure what to make of our being ill.  But we’re doing fine now….
I got up and checked to see what last night’s weather brought us. The report says sunny and cold but it’s cloudy and we can see small snowflakes coming down. I got a call this morning from Dana, updating our job status.  Their concrete guys have a big pour to do, then she says we’re next on their list, so depending on the weather, they could be here this week.  Yaay!  I showered and got dressed with the idea that we would go shopping this morning.  Lydia reminded me she was going to do her labs this morning.  Then I remembered that it was President’s Day and she should check to see if they are even open today.  She decided to wait until tomorrow and had breakfast. So, we decided to take a drive to Corvallis and get the car washed. Note – there aren’t too many full-service car washes up here in the northwest – you know, the ones who have the staff to vacuum and clean the inside of your car.  Most everything here is drive-thru style.  The drive thrus up here do have an attendant, who, at the beginning of the wash, brushes the front and back of your vehicle to knock off the worst of the dirt before you drive through the system.  It works but we look forward to someone putting a nice full service one in up here closer to us. After that, we stopped for lunch at Taco Bell.  While we were there, I got a call that our taxes were ready for pickup back in Lebanon.  We drove over to Albany on the way back and stopped by Kohl’s so Lydia could pick up a few items before her coupons ran out, then we headed home, stopping by the tax office to pay and get our paperwork. Good news / bad news - turns out that our tax lady found enough write-offs from our house transactions that we didn’t have any capital gains to pay on (wheew!), but we did still owe on the federal and Calif. state return.  We get a refund from Oregon though, so that helps a bit.  They did an estimated return for next year and if the “Tax Act” and “Jobs Act” go into place, we would get a hefty refund. Once home, we settled in for the day.  Lydia stripped our bed and did that laundry while I set the files up to be ready to pay the two tax bills. We’ll go ahead and pay the federal now but will wait until we get the Oregon refund before we pay Calif. That lessens the pain a bit….    

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018……  This morning we got up early and got ready for our day.  I dropped Lydia off at our drs. office for her labs.  My sister picked her up from there and they headed up to Salem for Penny’s reconstruction consult.  They were going to have lunch and then hit a mall for some shopping.  I stopped by a fast food place and got breakfast and then did my habitat thing, driving to the Albany and Corvallis Habitat for Humanity stores just to check out new arrivals.  I’m not looking for anything in particular but I like to see what comes in.  Nothing from Habitat but I stopped at the Goodwill in Albany - first visit - to see if our donations have hit that store (not yet) and to check it out. I only bought an alarm clock and a magnifying glass (total was $3.99).  I made it home after a bit and Lydia called later and asked if I was interested in meeting them at the Sizzlers in Albany.  They have the steak and lobster special going. Sounded good to me! I was hungry! They had some more shopping to do and would text when they were on their way.  I ended up only being home a short time before barely having time to go out and get the mail and use the restroom before they texted.  I met them and we had a nice ‘linner’ and then split up and went home. We did stop at Safeway because we’re hearing that there’s a storm coming in later tonight that will be a bit colder and should bring some snow and we didn’t want to have to go out in it tomorrow. We got some fresh veggies and bread (Lydia thinks it was the bread we ate that got us sick so we dumped that) and headed home. We ended up having some fruit and cookies and/or dark chocolate candy for a little dessert and watched tv until bedtime. I woke up about 3:00am to get a drink of water and so I checked the weather – nothing but clear skies.          

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