About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Oregon Living 2017 – Blog #72 – Groceries, Bids, and Trip Plans


Friday, October 20th, 2017…...  We had a few things on our agenda for today.  First up was to go eat!  We went to Kevin’s in town but they were packed. I guess folks have nothing else to do when it rains but go eat! Anyway, we drove up towards Albany and stopped at Shirley May’s place.  This is a tiny little place that Rick and I went to when they were here visiting.  Lydia had never been…  We got seats at the counter because this place was full too!  Shirley waits tables and she has one lady cook and one person for the dishes. The cook makes each order start to finish so we had several ahead of us.  We could see them being worked one at a time so we knew it would take a while.  Tough part was sitting for so long on the barstools with no backs!  I had to get up several times to stretch my back. But the food was good when we got it and we were happy that it stopped raining in the time that we were there.  From there we headed to Walmart for some serious grocery shopping.  We got home and put the stuff away and went over to Penny’s to take her some items she wanted.  She is still sore from yesterday’s biopsy. I also put up curtain rods in her living room and fixed some drawers in a cabinet for her office. Afterward, we came back home to rest.  I spent the afternoon calling my other 3 contractors letting them know if that still wanted to submit a bid, they better get it to me soonest!  I already had that astronomical ($117k) bid from Jeremy (number 1). Later that afternoon, I heard back from Arron (number 2) who gave me a rough bid over the phone.  I asked him to not work on it to get the final number as he was higher on the pole barn than Tim (number 5) was for a stick built structure. I would rather have the building made conventionally (stick frame) as opposed to a pole barn (poles buried in the ground and walls and roof made from trusses) because I’m told stick frame construction lasts longer.  Still waiting on Rocky (number 3) and Kenneth (number 4) but it’s coming on the weekend so I’ll wait until next week and if I don’t hear from them I’m going with Tim.  Lydia picked up stuff for chicken and rice soup for dinner and she got that going.  We were going to have cornbread with it but our stove is still giving us fits.  I’ve got the owner’s manual in my office now and am reading it in hopes that we can sort it out.  Brian – we need you to come visit and bring your expertise!  But we did have homemade banana pudding for dessert and that was really tasty! Later, it was tv then bedtime.   

Saturday, October 21st, 2017…...  Last night was exciting!  We had some serious winds, the highest we’ve seen since we’ve been here.  We had a plastic chair blow right off the porch last night. We have no trees close to the house but when we woke up this morning there were leaves all over the lawn from the trees waaay far away! But no damage so that’s good.

Today was a lazy day.  We had nothing on the agenda today, plus it was raining, so we spent it around the house. I did the vacuuming and then we got out some luggage for Lydia to choose from.  She wants to do carry-on all the way but she is going for 7 days, plus I don’t want her lugging a suitcase on and off the plane or in Houston for her stop, so I think she is better suited to just take a larger suitcase and check it all the way to Fort Myers. She also washed clothes and bedding so I won’t have to worry about that while she’s gone. Plus, she wanted some of the clothes to pack. We ate a bbq rib dinner and watched tv and talked about the trip a bit before calling it a night.    

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