About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Oregon Living 2017 – Blog #74 – Lydia’s on the Move!


Tuesday, October 24th, 2017…...  I stayed up/slept in my chair last night because we had to get moving around 2:30am!  I slept off and on but was able to get enough sleep and managed to wake up without an alarm right on time!  We got out on the road by 3:15 and made the drive to Portland Intl Airport by 4:45am, plenty of time for her to check in and make her way to boarding.  I hit the road and made my way home, stopping for coffee and breakfast along the way.  I got home about 7:10am and napped for an hour or so then headed out to Corvallis and then Albany.  Stopped at Kmart and bought a couple of flannel shirts, and went to Home Depot for rock salt and cabinet hardware, and then headed to Albany to check Habitat for Humanity to see if they had something to compare to the cabinet I found at the thrift store in Lebanon.  I want it for my bench grinder in the shop.  Nothing there.  I headed to Harbor Freight to get more hooks for my pegboard in the shop, then to Big Lots to check out their recliners.  Walt’s leftover in my office is really starting to bug me.  It’s not comfortable and it makes it hard on my back getting in and out of it.  I don’t need anything fancy and they had one I liked.  Might go back in a few days and get it…. I also went back to the thrift store with a tape and measured that cabinet.  In the end, I think I will pass on it.  Even though it’s nice and sturdy (made with good sturdy heavy duty wood from days past) l think it’s too big for what I need.  I will keep looking. Penny brought her friend Jareth over so see our place. She’s an old friend who flew up from SoCal to see her.  They left Quincy with me and went to Sweet Home for dinner.  I opted out to watch the Dodgers play game 1 of the World Series. I heard from Lydia as she made her stop in Houston and then finally when she got picked up by Krista and the girls in Fort Myers.  Glad the flights went well but I’m sure she’s tired.  I’ll have to text them to let them know not to overwhelm her with too much too soon.  I also spoke to Bobby, my finance guy, to get him ready to get us 1st installment on the payment for the rv garage.  I meet with Rocky (bidder number 3) tomorrow morning to answer a question he has about electrical. I should hear back tomorrow on his bid.  We’ll see. Back to baseball….. My Dodgers got off to a great start with a win!  Hopefully, they can keep this going.       

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017…...  I went to bed early last night.  No doubt I was tired but it’s very quiet here, even more than usual so it was hard to get to sleep.  But once I did I slept through the night.  Rocky did not come by as promised.  He did text me later with a quote, which was a close but still ballpark number, and was a bit higher than Tim’s, so I told him that and he needs to firm up his quote and that I still had one item left from my other guy.  I made it to my doctor’s appointment.  I previously had a had a mole scraped and tested (it’s benign) and he wanted to freeze the rest of it off today.  No worries and I was home in no time.  Penny asked me to ride along with her to Eugene to take Jareth to the airport. They came by and I drove my car (more comfortable for my back).  We dropped her off, said our goodbyes and headed over to Jerry’s hardware to exchange an electrical outlet I had bought a month or so ago.  That done, we stopped at Lowe’s for her to return some items and then we headed to Newman’s fish house for lunch. She treated since I drove (thanks Sis!).  That was good enough to hold me for the night.  Almost! I did have a piece of chocolate pie they had brought me yesterday from Skyline. I finished up some work on my trailer and ended the night watching the Dodger game. They went into extra innings but we came up short tonight so now the series heads to Houston for the next three games.  Hopefully we’ll do better there! I worked on my bills a bit and then watched Survivor (taped) and called it a night.

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