About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #15 – Happy Birthday and Work has Started!

Monday, January 29th, 2018…...  HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANDY! We called him pretty early this morning to wish him a happy birthday.  Lydia sent him an Amazon gift card and Facebook message but it’s not the same as seeing him in person. Oh well, that’s one of the drawbacks of being far away…..
This morning the contractors (Tim & Dana) showed up.  It’s a cooler but nice day today and they started on the excavation for the concrete slab.  When I spoke with Lou yesterday I asked if he wanted any dirt from my job.  He said he has some low spots on his property so if I could have my guys dump the dirt in his yard that would be great. I told Tim that and he will have to talk to Lou to confirm that he wants it and see where he needs to drop it.  But for now, it goes out behind the jobsite.   

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018……   It rained pretty good last night and everything was muddy out on the dig site.  Today was scheduled for rock delivery and he was the only one we saw all day.  Tomorrow is supposed to be clear so they will be here to work.  

This was day one…

and the start of day two…

Monday, January 29, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #14 – Police Cars and Puppies


Saturday, January 27th, 2018…...  We had any interesting night last night!  We went to bed about 10:30pm but neither of us could fall asleep. I stayed in bed but Lydia got up and went in her craft room to watch tv.  A few minutes later, I saw bright lights through the bathroom windows, coming from outside toward our neighbor’s house. Since it was kinda late for them to be out, I checked it out. It was a police car all the way back in his driveway.  He was shining his spotlight toward the woods behind our houses.  Then he backed out and drove all around the cul-de-sac shining his spotlight around looking for someone.  I walked from window to window to check it out. I saw flashing red lights from Rock Hill Rd, which is in front of the property directly behind our home.  The cruiser kept leaving and coming back from that location.  This went on for about an hour.  We haven’t heard or read anything about it yet but I’m guessing a vehicle was pulled over on Rock Hill and the driver or a passenger fled the scene.   We ended up watching the activity for a while but nothing happened that we could see. We finally got sleepy and went to bed.

Because of last night, we both slept in a bit this morning. After breakfast, I went out to the shop and finished my storage project and then spent the rest of the day relaxing.  Lydia wet mopped the floors and that was done.  That was about all we accomplished today. Later, she mixed up some cooked cut up chicken breasts with several small portions of macaroni we had.  She added mushrooms and green beans and cheese and made up a stove top mac casserole.  I doubt she’ll be able to replicate it exactly as it was just thrown together but I hope she can! It was delish!

Sunday, January 28th, 2018……   The weather is super nice today! I went out early this morning and took a walk around the property.  I am checking the soggy grass.  Yep, still there!  With showers coming and going all month, there’s no window for the grass to dry out enough to mow.  Too bad – the lawn is getting thick and tall! Walt has planted a perennial rye or something so it’s got a nice green color even this part of winter. Good thing the field grass is dormant this time of year. It is lower than the lawn so no worries there. But my lawnmower isn’t starting.  I’ve got to look into that pretty soon. The rest of the day was just spent lounging around and watching tv. 

Puppy update – Lydia has been talking with Becky, the breeder that we got Bailey from.  She has a litter ready now. They were all spoken for.  Problem was that several of the pups have parvo. That caused at least three folks to back out.  She told Lydia she has a female that is not affected and is now available.  But we are still hesitant to get a puppy even though she is ok, but the family has issues.  Plus we can’t get down there (SoCal) right now because we have the shop breaking ground tomorrow. So we told her we’re passing for now.  We’ll look for breeders or ads online around here. 

Penny came by and she and Lydia went to Walmart. Meanwhile, I met with my last neighbor (Lou) today to give my plans to for the rv garage.  Good thing, they should be here tomorrow. We spent a few minutes talking about the neighborhood, lawns, politics, travel, and family. He’s a former school administrator with lots to say! He also has a small orchard of apple trees in his back yard and seems to know a lot so I invited him over to check out my apple trees and give me some advice on pruning and anything else to help this year’s yield.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #13 – Drapery Shopping and Scallops

Thursday, January 25th, 2018…...  This morning we decided to go out to breakfast.  We chose Shirley May’s Diner on the way to Albany. The weather is supposed to be cloudy with showers all day so we didn’t have any outdoor projects planned.  I have some painting projects inside so I decided to start on the accent wall in the living room today.  It’s a rose or dark mauve color and we have green on the entry/foyer walls so we’ll match that.  My job today was to tape off the space but we decided to drive in to Albany to see if we could find a window treatment we like. We found that Budget Blinds and Home Depot both have what we want. Both of these places offer custom work but we didn’t make any appointments for measuring yet.  We want to check out other places plus we still need to decide if we want to stick to the style we have or try something new. So, no taping project yet.    

Friday, January 26th, 2018……   After a nice (?) phone call with Sirius Radio clearing up a billing issue, we got started with our day. The rain is supposed to be off and on today so I decided I’d just go out to the shop and work this morning. Lydia worked around the house. My cell phone was on the charger and I missed a text that my sister was looking to come over if we were home.  We were and she brought Quincy over for a run. Later, they went home so she could feed Quincy and then we went over and picked her up and went to Albany for dinner.  Lydia and I had seen The Depot, which is a seafood place, and wanted to try it. It was worth the drive!  They had all types of plates but we all chose scallops!  Guess we’ll now have to go back and sample the others.    

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #12 – Running Errands Plus a Start Date!


Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018…...  I got another text to come over and walk Quincy this morning so off I went.  Today it was rainy and I needed my raingear and waterproof boots but still, it wasn’t too bad.  Once we got home we dried her off and I went on my way. I stopped at Starbucks and got my coffee and Lydia’s chai tea latte.  Later in the morning I got the call I wanted – our contractor got the permit today and will be here Monday to break ground on our rv garage!  Yaaaaay!   I wanted them sooner but I’ll take Monday!  Meanwhile, Lydia had a nail appointment and I was bored so I took off and ran a few errands.  I had come across the owner’s manual for the spa and contractor info for the garage door from the old house so I put those in the mail today to the new owners for their files.  I have a watch I need repaired so I went in search of a place who could do that.  The local jewelers couldn’t.  My next stop was Habitat for Humanity in Albany.  I was looking for materials to build a hanging storage unit in the shop.  I found everything I needed for less than $9! Next stop was Fred Meyer jewelers but they were too busy to help me so I bailed. It was raining on my stuff in the truck so I gave up and headed home. Once I got everything unloaded, I came in and rested for a while.  Then I called USAA to check on the progress of getting our registration for the motorhome transitioned.  If you remember from before, I already had gotten the three vehicles registered in Oregon with no issues, but since we owe USAA on the motorhome, the Oregon DMV requires that the lienholder provide the current Calif. pink slip to them and they make a new Oregon pink slip and then will send back to USAA.  It’s unique to Oregon and Kansas and very confusing and time consuming.  USAA has a request to the Calif. DMV for the original and knowing how fast the Calif. DMV is, it looks like that will take some time!  But the fees have been paid and I can show proof if someone questions the outdated Calif. tags.  Plus, the motorhome isn’t going anywhere for a while so we’re good.  But still a long dumbass process! Lydia got back and did some work around the house before trying out the panini grill I got her for Christmas.  We made steak sandwich paninis with gouda cheese which were really gooda!  While we were eating, we watched several episodes of Guy’s Grocery Games, which we are really behind on and then Better Late Than Never before calling it a night. 

Wednesday, January 24th, 2018……  Today Penny texted me that she was feeling better and was coming over here to walk Quincy.  I met her outside at the back of our property and walked a bit with her.  No rains this morning but it’s really squishy out there!  Walt had warned us that all of the grass would be soggy up until April (or whenever the rainy season ends) so don’t plan on mowing for a while.  No complaints here! After sis left, we fixed scrambled eggs w/ham & mushrooms and had a nice breakfast.  Penny doesn’t have her appetite during the week after her chemo so it didn’t appeal to her to stay. Later, we both wanted to get out of the house for a while but never could figure out where to go or what to do, so we stayed home! I did go out and moved some things to get ready for the hanging shelf install.  I need to get some eye screws but I’ll wait until tomorrow for that.  So our day was very kicked back.    

Monday, January 22, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #11 – Football, Auctions and Dental Work Finally Done!


Sunday, January 21st, 2018…...  My sister texted me last evening saying she was not feeling well (from her chemo treatment) and might need me to come over and walk Quincy.  So, I got up early and showered and got dressed and ready just in case.  I was out in the motorhome running my DirecTV satellite tv box and got the text.  So I quickly headed over and took the Quinzinator out.  She sure loves her walks and even though it was sprinkling we had a nice walk down by the river. Once that was done, I got her back home and after a while headed out. On the way home I headed to the newly opened Starbucks and got coffee and tea to bring home. Lydia was up and had the soup items already in the crockpot.  She says it takes several hours and it sure got the house smelling good!  Even though the rains haven’t really started yet neither of us spent any time outside.  We’re expecting it a bit later…  Ok, it’s later and we missed the major part of the system.  We just got on and off sprinkles throughout the day and evening.  Lydia got her pasta fagioli done and it was sure worth the wait!

We’d asked Penny to come over but she’s still not feeling well and has no appetite or energy so we’ll take some over for her to eat when she’s ready. The rest of the evening was watching tv.  For Lydia, her taped shows.  For me, the two football Championship games (I’m not a Patriots fan so I wasn’t happy to see them win again! But I’m ok with the Eagles and will be rooting for them in the Super Bowl) and then the Barrett Jackson Auction that I had previously taped.     

Monday, January 22nd, 2018……  I got another request to come walk Quincy this morning so I went over and did that.  Overcast morning, but no sprinkles, just chilly enough for a beanie for my ears. We had a nice walk.  Quincy is so well behaved and knows what I want of her when she’s on my leash.  I don’t like the short 6 ft leashes so I bring Bailey’s (and Chimay’s) old 16 ft leash to use. We got back after a bit and I checked in on sis.  She’s had more issues with this last treatment than any of the others so she was still not feeling well. Before I left there, I called my endodontist and found they had indeed done the temporary so I stopped on my way home at my dentist’s office and made an appointment to get the permanent work done.  They had a 2:00pm cancellation (perfect!) so I took that and went back later in the afternoon and spent a whole 30 minutes getting that done!  No issues and the earaches and the tooth pain are both gone now.  Money well spent!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #10 – Following Up With the Dentist and Testing the Spa


Friday, January 19th, 2018…...  This morning I headed over to my sister’s house about 8:45am. The DirecTV guy was coming and I wanted to learn how the hookups would go in.  When he was there last, he said we could move the tv over to another wall without doing much changing to the lines. But I didn’t see how that would work, given that her Xfinity box was on one wall and couldn’t move.  Well, he showed us!  I learned a few things about different ways to make the connections.  He spent a while with us and then left.  We got her furniture in place and I took off and came back home. Yesterday I had checked my after-visit instructions from the endodontist and it said I only had a temporary fill on my tooth and I needed to get back to my dentist to get that done.  So, my plan was to stop by and have them verify if I had a temporary or a permanent fill and set up an appointment if necessary. But they don’t work on Fridays so I will have to wait until Monday. BTW still no word from my contractors on the permit.

Saturday, January 20th, 2018……  Nice sunny day today.  So, we made a run to Walmart to do our grocery shopping and get stuff for dinner tonight and tomorrow.  Lydia wants to make steak burritos tonight and pasta fagioli tomorrow. We were looking at the weather forecast and saw that there is a large front coming in on Sunday and we don’t want to have to go out in it thus the trip today. We did some general cleanup around the house and then sat down and added some items to our to do/to buy list. We always seem to forget things we want to get done or go buy.  For example, we have two more tv’s to buy (one for Lydia’s craft room and one for my shop). We add things like paint for the living room accent wall, carpet cleaning, trailer wheels, etc. etc. We add things all the time and line them out when we get them done or bought. After dinner we each watched our taped tv programs for a while.  I thought it was about time to test out the Jacuzzi tub in the master bath.  We’d never even turned on the water until tonight.  I ran water through the system and drained and cleaned it (although it was clean) and filled it and tested the jets. Everything checked out and it works well. It was a nice evening although it sure makes me miss my old spa!  I guess I have to add that to my list now!         

Friday, January 19, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #9 – More Doctor and Dental Appointments


Wednesday, January 17th, 2018…...  We had another nice day, although the skies got cloudy and we did get a few sprinkles from a small cell that came through.  We’re supposed to get a good storm front with a lot of rain late into the night/early morning. I walked the property early this morning and there is still a lot of surface water in the low-lying areas.  The rest of the yard is still squishy. It will be a while before I can mow.  I did go out and start the tractor – or at least tried to – I think the carburetor is gummed up.  I was told to use non-ethanol gas which I do use but I think it goes bad sooner than regular gas.  I’ll have to spend some time checking it out.  No hurry though – the rains are still in the forecasts through March!  Lydia went yesterday to the doctors for a heat rash and also checked on our shot schedule.  She was given tetanus and pneumonia shots and she also scheduled me for today.  So off I went and got mine.  We’re hoping they will get the billing right this time! Lydia didn’t get anything out for dinner so we drove over to Skyline in Sweet Home and had a lite meal. Then it was tv and resting for the night.  

Thursday, January 18th, 2018……  Today was filled with activity.  Penny brought Quincy over before 7:00am and then she and Lydia took off to Salem for her chemo. Meanwhile, I took off and went to Albany to my 8:00am endodontist appointment. They got me in quickly and they gave me the local and they went to work. They then went through the process to open up my root canal and repair the leak.  The Dr. said that from the x-rays he saw no cracks in the tooth and verified that when he was done.  Everything went well with no other issues. He cleaned up the area and sealed the canal again and I was done! The work took about an hour and I was good to go.  That’s one less thing to worry about – if the pain goes away now! So far, it’s fine.  I stopped and got breakfast and got back and walked Quincy.  The girls got back later in the afternoon. Penny was doing well and took the pooch and went home to rest. We’ll see how she does after the next few days, which are usually when she feels it.  We rested for the afternoon and after dinner watched tv before calling it a night.   

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #8 – Costco and Medical Billing Issues


Monday, January 15th, 2018…...  Today we only had Costco on our plans to go out.  I did call our contractor and asked if they knew when they were coming to start the work.  The permit is not back yet.  They expect it in and hope to start this week. We got back from Albany and put our stuff away and Lydia started some laundry.  She got a casserole started and we both relaxed for the evening. 

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018…… Not much happening today.  My sister came by to walk Quincy and we talked about Thursday. Lydia is going with her for her third treatment while I go to my dentist appointment. 

We’ve seen off and on showers the past few days.  Today the sun was out most of the day!  So we took off to do a little shopping.  Not a big deal really since we only went to Walmart just down the road!  Later, Lydia finished the laundry and I worked out in the shop a bit. Lydia spent some time on the phone with our medical insurance provider to get a matter resolved.  Back when we got the first round of immunizations, we both got flu shots.  Both were covered by insurance but something must have gotten miscoded because she has been getting a bill for hers ever since.  It was promised to be resolved but bills keep coming so she’s had to call to complain and find out when they will resolve it. Hopefully soon!    

Monday, January 15, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #7 – Getting Out in Some Great Weather!


Saturday, January 13th, 2018…...  Nice day today!  Sun is out and it’s warmer than past days.  We’re supposed to have two clear days then rain again next week.  That’s life here in Oregon! We didn’t have anything planned for today.  Penny came over and walked Quincy and I took off to go to Verizon to get my email account back on my phone.  It was an easy fix and I was done.  We’re long overdue for newer phones but as long as ours are working properly, we’re good. I am going to cancel my tablet which we find we don’t use and maybe get a MiFi unit for the motorhome. We’ll see. I went over to my sister’s house to help her move some furniture. But we ran into a little problem with the DirecTV and Xfinity hookups.  Turns out we need Direct back to run another line before we can move the tv where she wants it. I came home and watched the football playoffs plus my Mecum Auctions I had taped. 

Sunday, January 14th, 2018…… Another nice day.  We decided to drive out to the addresses of some of the jobs our contractor gave us that they had recently completed, just to see how they look.  I’ve already seen one and I was convinced but hey, it was a nice day and we had nothing else to do…

While we were out we drove to Albany and to Home Depot and Lowe’s to pick up a storage rack for Lydia’s craft room closet.  We got home later and I caught up on the football games and watched some more Mecum Auction.   

Friday, January 12, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #6 – A Small Day Trip and Losing a Great Friend


Thursday, January 11th, 2018…...  This morning we had some clouds and a little sprinkle now and then but for the most part it was just windy.  We wanted to trim up the lavender bush that’s outside our bathroom because in the wind it bounces up on the house.  So, this morning I went out and took care of that chore.  Believe it or not, once I was done the winds died down!  We decided that today would be a day to get out of the house for a bit.  So, we decided to go down to Eugene to see The Last Jedi.  We liked it! Afterwards, we stopped at Five Guys for dinner.  I think the two closest ones are in Eugene.  There’s probably one or two in Salem but we haven’t looked for them yet. Anyway, that was the adventure for today.  We got back home, driving through a little rain shower but it cleared up before we got home and everything here was dry.  We settled in and watched tv before calling it a night.  

Friday, January 12th, 2018…… This morning I took off early to go to Habitat for Humanity. Nothing on my list but I like to check in with them to see if anything of interest comes in that I can’t live without. Nothing today.  I also stopped at Burcham Metals.  This is a new place for me.  It’s a metal salvage yard, started in the 60’s. They buy scrap metals but have enough space to keep things that might be resold in the future.  The yard is large and I was looking for load beams for my racks in the garage.  Because I attached them in series, I have three extra uprights and only need the load beams to make another couple of units.  These guys had tons of load beams but they were super duty like Costco and Home Depot would use so I went home empty handed. I spent the rest of the day working on dismantling Walt’s old recliner.  I had stored it in the shop and decided I could dump it in the trash if I just took it apart.  I got the last of it done today. Later, after dinner, Lydia found on Facebook, that our old friend, Lee Hand, had passed away today.  Just Wednesday was his birthday and we had called him and talked with him a while.  He told us he was in the hospital with pneumonia and the flu.  He said he expected to come home in a few days but I’m guessing things went downhill pretty quickly. Sad times. He was a great guy and with wife Lyn was a past member of our camping club. We’ll get a card in the mail tomorrow.  Also, we’ll send get well cards to Jim and Ed as well.    

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #5 – Shop Work and Another Dental Appointment


Tuesday, January 9th, 2018…...  This morning I slept in a bit.  Lydia was up and watching tv when I got up. She fixed herself some breakfast and I got showered and then we went off to do a bit of grocery shopping. Afterward, she left to get her hair cut and I worked on my table saw project.  It’s finally done! 

The saw is now bolted to the table and the table now has grooves in it to use as a runoff for larger items.  I’m sure glad I was able to get a shop like this and to be able to set it up the way I want it!  I still have a bunch more things to set up out there.  But it’s a good way to pass the time and I enjoy it very much. While I was outside, the pest company came out for their scheduled round of treatments.  They put out a few traps for mice, cleaned all the eaves of spider webs, and sprayed for bugs.  This one was pretty easy – it’s not the time of the year for bugs and spiders.  We did have a mouse in one of the traps in the garage but never in the house.   Afterward, we caught up on some of our shared tv programs.  Tonight, it was Better Late Than Never – we love that show!    

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018…...   Happy Birthday Sandie and Lee!  This morning we woke up to a nice dry day!  The forecast today said rain but we never did get any at the house. Today was my appointment at the endodontist and it did sprinkle on me two times on the way there.  I guess that counts as rain today!  I was there early and got my paperwork done.  They did an oral exam and then took two different types of x-rays (one was a 360ยบ type where the machine went all the way around my head!) and found nothing in there!  Seriously though…… they found that my 25 year old root canal has a seal that broke, allowing an infection in behind.  That’s what’s been causing my pain and even my earache! I have the fix scheduled for next week. All totals in, this to the tune of $1700! So much for not getting dental insurance!   

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #4 – The Carousel and Family Time!


Sunday, January 7th, 2018…...  Penny’s family got in late last night.  Tim made the trip in 14 hours, driving all the way.  According to sis, they stayed up a while and then finally crashed.  She called this morning and said they were up and getting ready and would come over later. When they arrived, Quincy was excited to see his old friends again!  We showed them our place (Tim had been here before but Cassandra & Lauren were up for their first time) and visited for a while.  Then we all packed in our car and I drove them to the Carousel in Albany.  The kids really enjoyed riding........ 

                  Cassandra                                                           Tim, Lydia, & Penny

                              Lauren                                                                      butterfly on his nose!

and then getting a tour of the carving shop.  It really is interesting to see how the work is done.  There were pieces almost finished, and then some beginning and everywhere in between.

      Upside down cow                                                      whale w/friends

Afterward, we drove to Corvallis to take them to Block 15 for linner. That was a fun time too and we all enjoyed our meals. Thanks Penny! 

Once home, they spent a few minutes playing with Quincy and letting her run and chase Tim’s radio control car. She was more afraid of it so it wasn’t really a chase. They went home and we came in and relaxed from the day’s adventures.    

Monday, January 8th, 2018…...   Happy Birthday Sis!  They called this morning and we made plans for the day.  They are going to go out sightseeing and then we will go over to her house for dinner.  Her bbq is hooked up (mine is set up for city gas which we haven’t line plumbed for yet) so Tim will be cooking the steaks.  We really enjoyed the afternoon. Everything was very good.  Afterward, we played a few games of Spot-It with the kids and then got ready to leave. They will be leaving tomorrow morning so we said our goodbyes and came back home for the evening. 

Monday, January 8, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #3 – Hunting for Breakfast & Waiting for Visitors

Friday, January 5th, 2018…...  We decided to go out to Shirley May’s for breakfast this morning.  We drove out there only to find it was closed!  With Kevin’s closed for remodeling, we depend on places like Shirley May’s to be open.  No reason that we saw to be closed but they were.  So we went to the Korner Kitchen and ate.  Still a good meal.  Afterward, I took Lydia over to Penny’s so they could go to Albany for some shopping. I took off to go to Home Depot and Lowe’s.  I needed a blade for my table saw and wanted to look at some other things while I was there.  I got back and rested a bit then started in out in the shop. Lydia got back and I went out and picked up dinner.  Later, she called and made an appointment to go back to our doctor for a referral for follow up dermatology.  I finished up the day paying bills Yuuuck!      

Saturday, January 6th, 2018…...   The weather has been nicer this month.  We had a wet month but they say Nov. & Dec. have historically been the wettest.  We had a small patch of rain coming in from the south yesterday but that passed with no problem. Later in the day we had sun and rainbows!  But there was another storm that came in last night from the northwest. This one had a bit of wind but not much rain and still no big deal.  Maybe we’re just getting used to it now because it doesn’t even stop us from running errands. But it is really nice today!  I ran out to the hardware store and got a few things for some small projects in the house.  Penny came by and dropped Quincy off for the night.  Tim texted that they are on the road and doing well. They probably won’t get in till midnight but she’s ready!                           

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #2 – Dental Visit, Gym Visit and Plans for the Weekend


Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018…...  I had my dental appointment this morning.  Yes, they honored the $100. off coupon which made it way better.  We have insurance but chose no dental so mine and Lydia’s visits are out of pocket.  It works for us because I only have x-rays once a year and three cleanings.  That total is way less than what my dental insurance payments would be.  Of course the risk is if major work is needed.  Lydia took off for the gym and I left for my appointment.  I had x-rays and a full exam and then a cleaning.  They found a pocket on a tooth I was complaining about.  I had a root canal on that tooth many years ago and I think the cap is worn a bit and it left a pocket in an area I can’t get to and I got some infection.  So, I have another appointment next week at an Endodontics center in Albany.  They will take a 3d image and then I’ll know if it’s something they can fix or do an extraction.  Later, my sister came by and we went to Pizza Schmizza for dinner. She hadn’t been before and she liked it as much as we do.       

Thursday, January 4th, 2018…...   Today was cleaning day.  Ok, at least laundry day.  Lydia went to work on that and I went out and worked and cleaned up the shop.  Not too much else to say other than we are done with those tasks. Still no report on the building permit.  I’m getting anxious now because I’m thinking we’re getting close. Maybe next week they will begin. Meanwhile, I went over to do some chores at my sister’s. We made plans for the next couple of days.  Tim is coming up on Saturday with his two girls to visit Penny. He’s driving all by himself and will do the trip in one day (he used to drive trucks for a living). But it’s a long day and they’ll get in late on Saturday night. So, she will be bringing Quincy over here sometime on Saturday so that they can all sleep in on Sunday and she won’t have to leave the house to walk the dog. They can then come over later to see our place and visit with us and get Quincy.     

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #1 – Happy New Year and Already Spending Money!


Monday, January 1st, 2018…...  HAPPY NEW YEAR!  As I mentioned in my last blog, I didn’t think we would stay up and make it to midnight. Well, I was right!  We watched the ball drop in New York and stayed up a bit longer and then crashed for the night. I had gotten a call earlier from my sister saying that the fireworks were starting early over in her neighborhood.  So I went over and got Quincy who is a very nervous doggie around loud noises.  We only had a few early shots off in the distance so it would be better here. We did get to sleep but Lydia had achy legs and so she got up and took some melatonin and had some sleepy time tea.  Quincy sat with her through a lot of the fireworks and with Lydia petting her it wasn’t too bad.  She settled down and Lydia did too and managed to get to bed and get some sleep.  So all was good. I did get up early this morning and get going. I took Quincy out for her walk. It was only chilly at 43ยบ so I didn’t have to bundle up. Then I came in and watched the parade I had taping. I don’t know why but it was weird watching the Rose Parade from Oregon. We have always watched Bob Eubanks & Stephanie Edwards on KTLA back home.  Channel 5 is not available out of the LA area (plus Bob and Stephanie are retired) so we watched the ABC feed. Not the same! After the parade I turned to the bowl games.  Lydia always makes chili and cornbread on New Years Day and today was no exception.  Penny came over and we had a nice dinner and day. So, that was it - we just relaxed and enjoyed our day. Hope yours was fun too.  Happy New Year to All!

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018…...  I started off this morning with a bummer!  My truck wouldn't start. I knew the truck battery was getting close to needing to be replaced and today was the day!  I took it out and put it into the back of the Honda only to find that the Honda wouldn’t start either! We haven’t driven it in a while so I’m going to just charge it and hope for the best. I went and got coffee and then went to Walmart and got a battery. I also had to buy another ink cartridge for my printer so I got that as well. I stopped by the dentist on the way home and made an appointment for exam/xrays/cleaning. I have a $100 off coupon at home for this dentist. Well, I went home and found it only to see it expired 12/31. I’m hoping they will honor it.  We’ll see. Meanwhile, Lydia had a nice long conversation with Treasa, learning about their new life and their new home in Springboro, Ohio.  She says it’s really cold there right now, with temps in the teens, plus they have snow.  We are cold here too but not freezing every day and no snow yet.