About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #14 – Police Cars and Puppies


Saturday, January 27th, 2018…...  We had any interesting night last night!  We went to bed about 10:30pm but neither of us could fall asleep. I stayed in bed but Lydia got up and went in her craft room to watch tv.  A few minutes later, I saw bright lights through the bathroom windows, coming from outside toward our neighbor’s house. Since it was kinda late for them to be out, I checked it out. It was a police car all the way back in his driveway.  He was shining his spotlight toward the woods behind our houses.  Then he backed out and drove all around the cul-de-sac shining his spotlight around looking for someone.  I walked from window to window to check it out. I saw flashing red lights from Rock Hill Rd, which is in front of the property directly behind our home.  The cruiser kept leaving and coming back from that location.  This went on for about an hour.  We haven’t heard or read anything about it yet but I’m guessing a vehicle was pulled over on Rock Hill and the driver or a passenger fled the scene.   We ended up watching the activity for a while but nothing happened that we could see. We finally got sleepy and went to bed.

Because of last night, we both slept in a bit this morning. After breakfast, I went out to the shop and finished my storage project and then spent the rest of the day relaxing.  Lydia wet mopped the floors and that was done.  That was about all we accomplished today. Later, she mixed up some cooked cut up chicken breasts with several small portions of macaroni we had.  She added mushrooms and green beans and cheese and made up a stove top mac casserole.  I doubt she’ll be able to replicate it exactly as it was just thrown together but I hope she can! It was delish!

Sunday, January 28th, 2018……   The weather is super nice today! I went out early this morning and took a walk around the property.  I am checking the soggy grass.  Yep, still there!  With showers coming and going all month, there’s no window for the grass to dry out enough to mow.  Too bad – the lawn is getting thick and tall! Walt has planted a perennial rye or something so it’s got a nice green color even this part of winter. Good thing the field grass is dormant this time of year. It is lower than the lawn so no worries there. But my lawnmower isn’t starting.  I’ve got to look into that pretty soon. The rest of the day was just spent lounging around and watching tv. 

Puppy update – Lydia has been talking with Becky, the breeder that we got Bailey from.  She has a litter ready now. They were all spoken for.  Problem was that several of the pups have parvo. That caused at least three folks to back out.  She told Lydia she has a female that is not affected and is now available.  But we are still hesitant to get a puppy even though she is ok, but the family has issues.  Plus we can’t get down there (SoCal) right now because we have the shop breaking ground tomorrow. So we told her we’re passing for now.  We’ll look for breeders or ads online around here. 

Penny came by and she and Lydia went to Walmart. Meanwhile, I met with my last neighbor (Lou) today to give my plans to for the rv garage.  Good thing, they should be here tomorrow. We spent a few minutes talking about the neighborhood, lawns, politics, travel, and family. He’s a former school administrator with lots to say! He also has a small orchard of apple trees in his back yard and seems to know a lot so I invited him over to check out my apple trees and give me some advice on pruning and anything else to help this year’s yield.

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