About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #51 – Working on Puppy Door and the BBQ

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018……  This morning we had Quincy after her sleepover.  Penny had been shopping and went back to her car in the rain and asked if we could keep her for the night, allowing her to go straight home and into her garage with her groceries. So, Quincy stayed with us. She got up early and came into our room and jumped on our bed.  I realized we didn’t take her out right before bedtime so she needed to go NOW! Lydia let her out and I got dressed and walked her and fed her breakfast, and then got my shower going and got ready for the day.  Sis came by later and got her and I went to work on the doggie door.  We bought one just like we had in SoCal. It is designed and specifically used for sliding patio screen doors.  It has two pieces that attach together with the screen in the sandwich.  Once installed, you simply slice the swinging part of the door.  I bought a large door and mounted it low in the existing screen.  If the puppy gets exuberant and tears the original screen material, I know I can buy heavy duty screening for the next round. $25.00 is a small price to pay and it has worked well for us in the past. We taught Bailey to use it and in about ten minutes she was a pro! 

I also went to work on re-installation of the bbq.  I had to pull off one piece on the end and straighten it and re-install it but everything else looks ok.  I still have to find the fittings and get the pipe to finish the gas connections and then I can test it. But this time I made sure to secure it solidly to the deck so it won’t move, even in gale force winds! Later, we went grocery shopping (local Safeway) and got restocked from Carol’s visit.  While Carol ate all of the meals we ate, she ended up buying a lot of things she’s eating on her Weight Watchers program and bought those on her own.  But we still needed to stock up again. While we were in the store, the Samsung guy called and wanted to get info about our issues with the dryer.  Yeah, only the dryer because that was all he showed on his booking list. Go figure! Since we were at the store and Lydia couldn’t give him the serial number, he told us he’d call back in an hour when we’d be home.  About two hours went by and she did get a call from Samsung, only this time it another guy and he only was calling about the washer! He took down all of her info for that machine and said she’d get a call probably tomorrow, from a local service tech in the area. The washer guy didn’t want to discuss the dryer!  And the dryer guy didn’t call back! Guess one hand doesn’t talk to the other in their office! That was it for calls for the day so we settled in and ate dinner and watched Survivor and other shows before calling it a night.       

Thursday, April 12th, 2018……  No plans today.  So, I thought I’d work again on finding the parts for the BBQ’s gas hookup. Penny came over and walked Quincy. It was raining pretty hard so I called them in and dried Quincy off and fed her breakfast.  The rain let up a bit so I took off and got my breakfast and coffee and headed off to the Home Depot, where I managed to find what I think I need. By the time I got back, it was raining again and the porch deck was pretty wet from the wind blowing the rain in, so I stored all of the parts in the shop and came in for the day. I did hear on the way home that they have now changed the forecast – they predict showers possible for Saturday.  Oh great, another setback for the concrete pour!  We’re hoping it works out but we’ll see. 
Not much else going on today. Lydia did get a call back from a local company who will be coming out on a service call for both the washer and dryer. I guess they finally figured it out and will make only one trip! We decided to have an easy dinner tonight so Lydia threw two chicken pot pies in the oven.  Simple and good! After dinner, I went online and ordered some ink for my printer. Years ago, I found ClickInks.com and have been using them ever since to buy ink cartridges.  Before that, I took my empty cartridges in to have them refilled.  It’s just ok but I had some that leaked so I wouldn’t do that again!  With ClickInks, you can buy new or remanufactured cartridges and they both are cheaper than Costco, Walmart or the office supply stores. I buy the remanufactured ones and don’t see any difference in quality.  I have been hearing about the new printers that are very efficient when it comes to using ink so you don’t have to replace them very often. I really haven’t had much need lately to print, but I will consider it if/when I need a new printer.   

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