About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #59 – Contractor Work Slows Down and Seeing the Tulips!

Friday, April 27th, 2018……  The mornings are now becoming a routine.  We have Rylee cordoned off in my room and part of the hall.  She’s been good about getting ‘gated’ each night.  Not much whining at all. I go get her, usually around 6:45 – 7:00am and she follows me to the back door.  I let her out and she does her business. By then Lydia is awake and gets a visitor who comes looking for her. I get my shower and I get going for the day, then Lydia can go get her shower and ready. But today we had no plans. We did get our rain today.  Not too much but I didn’t want to do much outside.  Tim & Dana did come by.  They unloaded the trailer with the subsiding on it and took it to go get the siding. They just cleaned up the site today. She said they would let me know when the roof trusses would be delivered. Funny, a few days ago I swear I heard her say that it would be Monday.  Later, after they left for the day, she texted that the delivery is 1-2pm on Wednesday. I guess we’re back to Oregon time!  But she was pressing me the last few days wanting their next progress payment asap. It’s in work but I wasn’t in any hurry.  Hey, I’m on Oregon time now too! 
Rylee continues to surprise us each day. She is getting comfortable with the routine of going to the back door and if the slider is open, she heads out through the doggie door (in the screen) with no problems.  She’s a little skittish out there from the work site because of the compressor and the nail gun noise but when they are gone, she does well. Our vet told us to start taking her on car rides so she’s used to them.  We’re planning on going to the Tulip Festival in Woodburn tomorrow and we’ll take her there. Just can’t let her run around as much as we’d like (due to the parvo risk) but the ride will be good for her.

Saturday, April 28th, 2018……  We got up early this morning and got some chores done. Last night neither of us took super pooper outside before we went to bed and we paid that price the next morning!  We cleaned up in more than one spot. We had talked about it before and now have decided that, starting tonight, we would put her in her crate in my room at night.  But this morning we had plans. We packed up monster puppy and headed out.  First stop was McDonald's and then Walgreens.  Then we went and picked up Penny and headed north (about 45 miles) to Woodburn.  We wanted to go see the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival. Tulips do well up here and the season is now. This is a private tulip farm, with hundreds of acres of tulips, which get harvested and sold all around the country. Every year they open up the fields for visitors for the month-long festival.  This year, due to the crowds, they will stay open one more week, into May. Admission is $5.00 per person.  We found out dogs were welcome on leash so we wanted to bring Rylee.  Our vet said to take her out for car rides.  Well this was a nice car ride and a nice little walk for her.  I was a little leery because there were so many dogs there today.  They had a ‘dog run’ where you run a course through the fields with your dog! We weren't doing that but we got a trailer ride out to the fields and I kept her in my arms most of the time and only let her down a few times to burn off some of her energy.  She sure was a hit with all the folks there. They kept coming up to us like she was a magnet.  Everyone wanted to pet her.  There was an employee dressed in a cow suit with toys and they became quick friends! She even came out of character to thank me for letting them play.

We did a lap around only a small portion of the fields of tulips.  They had hundreds of different colors and even different sizes!  It was very nice. 

We worked our way back to the entrance, bypassing all of the kiddie booths and the food vendors and made our way out to the car and I fed and watered our tired puppy. We left for the drive home and Rylee did well and slept most of the way. It was a fun day and we got real lucky with the weather because it started to rain on us as we got down the road a bit. We dropped sis off and came home to let the adults rest and have lunch after our fun  adventure.
Later, I did some raking of the mowed grass in the front yard before the rains got to us again. We had eaten lunch later than usual so neither of us wanted dinner.  I did make one leftover steak burrito as my light meal. Lydia had some ruffles and a small salad.  I guess that could be called dinner! After that, we played with Rylee off and on until bedtime. Yes – we took her out!  We must have pooped her out because she quieted down pretty quickly and barely protested when we closed her crate door for the night.         

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