About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #57 – Getting Ready for the Vet and Flower Bloomin!


Monday, April 23rd, 2018……  This morning I woke up early again and got monster puppy out of my room/her cage.  No messes again!  Yaay! After I took her out, I showered and went out and got breakfast and coffee/tea. I also stopped at Faithful Friends, one of the vets here in town.  No puppy package here but my sister had a list of the costs of shots and visits and everything listed totaled less than the puppy pack at Paws, the other place in town.  There is a third but we heard negative things so we’re passing on that one. I registered and made an appointment for Thursday. After getting back home and eating breakfast, I worked a bit on the doggie gate and got that modified.  The guys got here about 9:00am and brought some help.  One of their friends asked for some work and Dana is tired of heaving around the 16’ 2x6’s so she said hire him! They made a good trio and got almost all of the walls up today!

End of day 17….

I had planned on mowing the lawn today and I easily could have, but I chose instead to give it one more day to dry out.  I went out and got the last of my fittings for the bbq and finally got everything hooked up and working. Everything’s cleaned up and ready for the first bbq!  So that’s done!  Since I was running around, Lydia had doggie duty most of the day. Rylee stays pretty close to her in the living room but when I’m in the house and moving around, she is always right at my heels, following me closely. She’s pretty good at tug of war and loves her sticks, just like Bailey! We only had two mistakes on the floor. She sniffs and squats before we can get her to walk outside!  But she’s learning more every day.
Lydia’s feet were swollen (a lot coming from the long car ride) so she was not ready to make dinner tonight.  So, I drove over to KFC and picked up some chicken. We each watched tv, catching up on our taped shows, before calling it a night.       

Tuesday, April 24th, 2018……  Today was another early morning. I think I’m caught up on my sleep though so it’s ok. Lydia needs 8 hours so she’s still catching naps here and there. Plus, muttley keeps her going (which is a good thing!)  The team got back to work this morning and spent the day finishing the framing and getting fireblocks installed.  Tim moved the rock pile and made a path so they could get a boom truck in to install the glue lam header for the garage door opening. That monster is over 14’ long!  The roof trusses will be here on Monday and they should be ready. Meanwhile, I got to work on the lawn.  Naah!  Aimee came by to see Rylee and we visited with her for an hour or so. So I didn’t get to it again.  
The weather here is wonderful.  Temps during the days are in the 70s. The nights and early mornings are still cool but getting warmer as well.  The flowers have taken off!  Here are some tulips that are blooming.

Lydia has planted a bunch of rhododendrons all around the house.  These get the most sun so they are doing well.

I have no idea what these are but they’re colorful!

We found that there’s are tulip farm not too far from here so we’ve got that on our to do list.

End of day 18…..

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