About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #53 – TV, and Getting Ready For Our Puppy Pickup Trip!

Sunday, April 15th, 2018……  This morning Quincy was driven over here by her chauffeur and got to have a nice walk in the rain. They left and we ate breakfast. Today was rather rainy most of the day.  So, we were glad that the concrete got poured and sealed yesterday.  It has had water sitting on it all day but it looks good. With the rains today, we didn’t leave the house. Oh yeah, I went over to dump Quincy’s 33 lb. bag of dog food into her storage container.  It was heavier than my sister is allowed to handle right now. The rest of the day was spent just lounging around the house and watching tv. Lydia has her list of shows that she tapes (hallmark channel series, classic movies, etc.) and I have mine. Today I caught up on this weekend’s racing events.  Formula 1, Formula E, Supercross, Nascar, and Indy Car. Plus, I watched the Barrett Jackson Auctions from Palm Beach. After dinner, we did get together to watch Master Chef Jr. Then it was back to our own shows. I still have a few hours of the auction left and the Grand Prix of Long Beach to finish this evening. It’s just nice to relax and do nothing some days…. 

Monday, April 16th, 2018……  Quincy has been treated to off-leash walks over here for some time now. She pulls too hard for my sister to take her out around their neighborhood and she gets to run free over here. With Penny feeling stronger, they now just park and she turns her loose to run and chase her ball, explore the mouseholes, smell the animal trails, and check everything out. I’m either out there or not, no worries. But this morning I got out early and went to get coffee and breakfast and then was at Oil Can Henry’s Valvoline getting the oil changed in the Acadia when my sister texted she was on her way.  The oil change was done pretty quickly and I headed home.  We fed Quincy and visited for a while. She will be bringing her over later to spend the night, as she goes (by cab) to Portland tomorrow for a meeting with her doctors.   Tim & Dana said they would be here rain or shine to get started on removal of the concrete forms. They got here a bit later, after the rain let up a bit. The plan today was to get those forms removed, and prep and lay the rain drains. These drains are underground pipes that carry all of the roof runoff through the rain gutters and into the existing drainage system for the house and the shop. Toward the end of the build, after the walls and roof are up, the rain gutters will be installed and will be tied into them.  With all of the water we get up here, it’s really important that it be controlled carefully, so I’m glad that this feature will be incorporated on the rv garage as well. We also got a delivery late today, of the first round of the lumber ordered for the job. Tomorrow, they will get the sill plates (the baseplate of the walls), down which attach the walls to the foundation.

End of Day 12....

In between going out and watching the progress, I watched the Monday morning taped Nascar race, delayed from yesterday and made sure it was not rained out again. It ended up being delayed but they got going and got it in.  I also went out to the shop and went through my three dog boxes we brought up with us.  We needed a collar and some chew toys to bring with us when we go get the puppy. I put these and a leash and some rugs and blankets and water and food dishes in the car, ready for the trip.  We still need to go get the pet carrier but that’s just a short trip to Walmart. I want to put up the puppy fencing in the backyard but I can’t because the lawn needs to be mowed and it’s just too wet for that. Aside from our overnight bags, we are ready for the trip.  We leave Thursday morning. Later in the day, I took Lydia to the doctors to give another urine sample and then we stopped and picked up linner from Jack in the Box. My sister came by and dropped off Quincy and we watched tv and then settled in for the night.  

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