About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #64 – The Garage and the Puppy - Work Goes on for Both


Monday, May 7th, 2018……  Rylee didn’t do too well last night in the poop and pee department! I had to clean up two places.  Plus, she goes on the entry carpet.  So, tonight we’ll cover it with piddle pads and see what happens. Monster mutt got me up early again and I let Lydia sleep and let her out in the yard for a while then played with her and put out her breakfast.  Lydia was still sleeping so I let the puppy in the bathroom with me.  She was upset when I stepped in the shower and closed her out!  She whined until I finished and opened the door and let her check everything out in the shower.  She seemed content with that and I was able to dry off and get dressed and done. We played some more and then when Lydia got up I took off to go get my breakfast and coffee and then headed over to Albany to get a few things.  First stop was Petco for dog food and a real bone, only filled with edible dog treat. Then I went to a place we’d been to before, called Wheeler Dealer, which is kind of like a Dollar Store/Harbor Freight/Big Lots.  They buy overstocks from various stores and do have a nice selection of a lot of nicer tools and such. I bought another rake for the yard plus some dog toys.  Then I went to Dollar Tree to get another cord for my phone. We think we left mine in Rick and Janie’s rig.  No worries, they are reasonably priced. I got back and gave Rylee the bone.  Oh my God! She loved it!  She chewed and chewed and got some of the stuff out of the middle.  We had to take it away for a while so she can rest. The team got here this morning and started to work putting up the other side of the roof sheets.  That done, they started on the tar paper.  I was told they had called the inspector to come by and do the shear inspection so they can get that part closed up too. Turns out Dana didn’t call him yet. The weather is nice today, but it’s supposed to cloud up tomorrow with rain forecast.  But the sunny days are starting to outnumber the rainy days so we’re happy about that! I went online again and spent some time searching for Hawaii deals.  I needed a rental van and I wanted to book the Haleakala bicycle downhill adventure.  I searched several car rental websites and got a really great price for the van!  I also chose the bike company that gave me the best price for the tour we wanted to take.  We get picked up at our rental house, we go to the bike company, get fitted with gear (bikes, helmets, gloves, rainjackets, bike locks, etc.) and then we get taken up to the top of the mountain with the bikes in the trailer.  We ride down the 28-mile long mountain and back to the shop. We can go at our own pace and can stop when and where we want for pictures and food if we want (that’s why we get locks).  We did this on our 25th anniversary there and we can’t wait to try it again! Later, we went out with Rylee to check out the job done today and visit with them (she loves Dana!).  After that we all sat and watched Master Chef and Dancing With the Stars and then went to bed.  

End of day 26…..    

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018……  This morning I got up and let Rylee out and let Lydia sleep in. We played a bit and I finally got going with my shower and such then it was back to doggie duty while Lydia made breakfast.  Yummy!  I finally went out and weed whacked/mowed the grass around the grapevines and trees and the blueberry cage. It got me super winded and I was hot and sweaty and covered with grass so much that I had to get out of my clothes in the garage before coming in and showering again! The guys are progressing with the rv garage, and today got the roof shingles up and staged.  They finished the roofing paper and started back working on the rest of the house wrap trying to finish up the siding when the rains came.  It was a little earlier than quitting time but they left shortly after. I went out and cleaned up the shop area a bit then called it a day. We had leftovers for dinner and settled in to watch our shows until bedtime.  

End of day 27….

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