About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #75 – Meds for Both Rylee and Lydia

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018……  This morning I woke up really sore.  My left knee is still giving me fits and now the muscles are tight as well.  Yesterday, I felt the same way but found that walking a bit helps loosen it up to where I can walk semi ok.  Still have a limp. This morning I’m going to take some Aleve and see if that helps.  Rylee is doing well on her meds.  I called the vet and they said he was off today but they would relay the message to him. His associate said she thinks he will suggest I keep her on the probiotic but may adjust or cancel the antibiotic.  I needed some more dog food (she’s still on the prescription food) so I told her I would be by later today to pick that up and get some more probiotic.  Almost $80.00 later (who said having a pet is cheap!) I was back home with what I needed.  Meanwhile, the team was back today and started on the walls. They got a good bunch done and will be back tomorrow.  I’ll take pics when they get farther along. Kirk came by and got a lot more done on the flowerbed.  He will be back next week. Lydia said she had labs this morning and took off to go do that. When she got back she told me wasn’t feeling well and told them that.  They ran a culture which may help find out what’s going on. Should be back tomorrow. She spent the day resting and watching tv.  But later she was hungry so we heated up the rest of yesterday’s steaks and made sandwiches. Yummy! We ended up the evening watching the first of the season’s America’s Got Talent.     

End of day 38......

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018……  Rylee is still getting me up pretty early in the morning.  She pees outside before bed but I worry she wants out and I’d rather train her to let me know that than just go inside on the piddle pads. So, I get up. Afterward, I let her up and the bed and she settles down again and I can sleep for an hour or more. Then it’s on! I try to play with her enough to make her happy then I feed her, which really makes her happy! Then I can shower and get ready for the day.  This morning I took off and got breakfast and coffee/tea. I waited a while and then went out to start string trimming the areas on each side of the driveway.  This is the part that I can’t mow with either the tractor or the mower. Lydia waited until 10:00am or so and then went online and looked for her lab report.  It was there and showed nothing negative for anything virus or infection.  So, she called and they said they were going to have her come in for an antibiotic shot plus they will call in a prescription for her. So, she went off and did that. I stopped my work and played with monster puppy and kept her busy.  I also got a call from my sister asking me to go check on Quincy later this morning.  She said she’s had runny poop and was throwing up.  Once Lydia got back I went out and checked on the dog.  Everything is fine.  She’s feeling fine now and no signs of any issues. I came back and finished up the weed eating and put everything away.  I also helped Tim run my DirecTv coax through the back wall and down the wall.  He added a baseplate about 8 inches off the ground which I will use to run the coax out of and straight under the rear of the coach and out to the front where my connection is. That keeps it tucked out of sight and I won’t run over it going in and out. I got a call from Dr. Hiett and after a quick update of Rylee’s progress, he decided to take her off of the antibiotic and just extend the probiotic another week so what I bought was what I needed. I ate another late lunch so I didn’t want dinner so Lydia fixed a bowl of pasta and I ate some cheese and crackers and we were good.  She’s still a little down but feeling better.  I’m sure the meds will help as well. I got an email that my sweeper was in at Lowes so I will go tomorrow to pick that up. We watched the new MasterChef and then called it a night.

No pics today – it’s just partial drywall anyway.     

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