About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #70 – Dinner at Sis’s and Checking on the Build


Saturday, May 19th, 2018……  We did get some good sleep last night.  I got up and let super pooper out and then just stayed up with her so we could play.  We’ve got an easy routine going – I stay with her until Lydia gets up, then she can play with her and feed her while I shower.  Then we reverse roles so she can shower and get ready for the day. I went out and checked out the final work completed because when we left yesterday, everyone was still on site working away.  I found that the back siding is half finished, and the electrical is in and there is power running to one circuit in the rv garage.  They roughed in everything but finished up one electrical circuit with a plate so they will have power for tools and such.  They will call for and get the rough inspection approved before they can proceed to insulate and close in with drywall all of the inside. The front and back outside still needs finished siding and those nails sealed and then the trim around the windows plus the corner trim needs to be installed. Then it will be ready for paint. While I was out with the puppy, Tim and Dana showed up to do some Saturday work.  Tim wanted to finish up the siding so they worked on that. Meanwhile, I got the tractor back out and finished up the grass pickup.  I am very pleased about how good it looks without all of the clumps of grass laying out there! I do have to figure out an easy way to dump the clippings.  Right now, I take them out to the dirt pile they made with they excavated for the garage.  It’s quite a drive just to get out there. Lydia came out to help so I started dumping the loads close to our big trash container and she is just transferring it in there. I think this will work in the future and make for an easy job. I was able to get the all of the grass picked up and the catcher cleaned up so Tim could take it if he wanted to.    
Later, we were invited to my sister’s house for a bbq so we loaded up monster puppy and went over.  It was a nice evening although Quincy felt like the little white turd had invaded her house! But as time went by, she ended up spending time with her outside and actually got semi comfortable with being around her.  I think Rylee sensed that if she is less aggressive, then Quincy would calm down. They ended up playing a little bit and had a good time until Quincy retreated to her bed. Be relaxed now old girl, because it won’t be long before that little turd will be able to get up on that bed! I also got a chance to look at and adjust her sprinkler system and set the zones and timers to her specs. We headed home and spent the evening relaxing and planning our Sunday before going to bed.   

Beginning of day 33....  

End of day 33....

Sunday, May 20th, 2018……  The plans for Sunday were actually no plans.  So, we spent some time sleeping in, if you can call 6:00am sleeping in, then got up and going for the day.  Rylee is still gated in the guest bathroom until she gets us up. She goes potty, then wants up on our bed. I’m ok with the schedule but Lydia likes to sleep late, so I end up taking her out to play in the living room.  She gets fed and then I can start to get ready for the day while Lydia watches/plays with her.  I spent some time walking the jobsite.  I wrote a note for the electricians to ask them about how they’ve wired the rv circuits.  I want to double check the volts going to those plugs.  They need to be 110v.  I learned this the hard way – in Long Beach, my electrician wired the circuit like he would for a dryer – 240v, which damaged some of the components in the rig (one of which was a toasted microwave!). They won’t be back for awhile until final to hook up everything so I needed a note. I always take Rylee out with me to the work area.  It gives her a chance to get used to the area and she always stays close. Of course, everything there is up for grabs!  She picks up every scrap piece of wood that she thinks is hers to chew.  So, I have to pry stuff away from her every time.  But, we’ve set out the three boxes of Bailey’s toys from the shop storage so she always wants to go in to that area and pull out something new. The rest of the day was spent watching tv and relaxing.      

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