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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #73 – Lab Results, Window Trim, and Yardwork


Friday, May 25th, 2018…… Rylee woke me up again around 5:00am. Same drill.  At least she’s getting used to relaxing on the bed. This morning we had Chuck come by to mow the back field and the west forty. He charges $60. an hour and he started at 9:05am and finished about 12:20pm.  I rounded up and paid him $210.00.  That’s close to the $200.00 I paid Allen last year. Allen has an older smaller mower and took 5 hours.  Rylee helped me check it out.

Chuck's tractor is set pretty high (to get through the really rough fields) so it is not lawn quality mowing. So, I think I will mow the back field myself from now on and let Chuck just do the west forty.  While he was doing that, I started in on the window trim in the garage. For some reason, Walt didn’t case the two windows in there.  They were looking kind of sad, so I got the first part of the trim inside the casing cut and installed.  Next up is the trim around the windows, then the curtains. Later, I got a call from Dr. Hiatt saying that all of the big problem labs came back negative.  Still, he needs to address the runny slimy poop issues.  He’s thinking it’s a colon issue, so he decided to give her an antibiotic (pill) plus a probiotic (mix-in for her food).  I went and picked those up and paid for them plus the last set of lab work.  I sure hope they work.  We decided to have me go out and pick up fast food.  Lydia waited for Kirk to show up, so she could show him which flowerbed to get started on first. He has another big job going here in town but he was able to stop by to give us a couple of hours.  He’s a great guy and we’re glad we found him. Later, we watched our own taped shows until bedtime.          

Saturday, May 26th, 2018……  We didn’t have much planned today, so I decided to go ahead and mow the lawn again.  This way the clippings aren’t too thick.  Also, I have to wait until June 4th when my grass sweeper comes in (to Lowes). I did have to wait until the dew evaporated but at least this lawn doesn’t take but an hour or so to mow. So, I took off and made a quick trip over to Albany and to the Home Depot because I needed to pick up some more bags of rock salt for the water softener.  I also got the trim moulding to finish up the garage windows. I made a side trip to the Walmart there to pick up some more Nathan’s Pretzel Dogs that the Lebanon Walmart was out of. I got back and started on the garage window moulding.  Penny came by to run Quincy since the fields are now cut down.  She went home and then stopped at a kennel she had called to meet with them as a backup in case something happens, and Daisy has to cancel her flight up here.  To date, they would be able to take both Rylee and Quincy which makes us feel better just in case. Later, she came by and she and I took off to go book all of our shuttle rides to and from Portland airport.  I went back out and finished the mouldings. It sure looks a lot better. 
I rested a bit and ate lunch and then went out and started the tractor and went to work on the lawn. I was about right on the timing.  About an hour. That done, I was done for the day.  Kirk made a nice dent in the weeding yesterday.  He started out in the front flowerbed island out by the street. He will be back next week once he finishes up that job he has going. Meanwhile, Lydia was out again pulling weeds and trimming shrubs.  She has made a giant dent in the yard and has the side of the house all done! It looks great! The back of the house isn’t so bad so that won’t take long to do.  But she’ll get to it when she feels like it. We both got done about the same time.  I ate a big lunch, so she put the pork chops back in the fridge for tomorrow.  She fixed a salad and I had some cheese and a few cookies and I was good.  I did go out a bit later and trimmed up around the water spigot and tie strapped a hose hanger to it to keep the water hose off the ground.  That’s where we put Rylee’s pool. Now that the field is cut down, I can put the pool back out and get some water in it for her. I started the meds from the vet today.  At breakfast, she gets 3/4s of an antibiotic pill - yeah, I had to use a pill splitter on all of them to get 3/4s! and at dinner, she gets the probiotic (it may actually be a prebiotic – not sure) sprinkled in her food.  The vet said to give her 4 cups of food per day now - she’s getting a cup and ½ of food at breakfast and dinner and a cup for lunch. But she’s not fat at all.  Long and lanky, not at all like Bailey at her age. But that’s good.  I’ve got to say, she sure has a great appetite!  I try to run her around and get rid of some of that energy, but she wears me out!  We haven’t seen any poop today, but last night she used the piddle pads and it looks like it’s starting to firm up a bit.
We finished up the evening playing and running outside. It was 8:30pm and still light out.  I wore her out and she was sound asleep when I got her up to put her in her area for bedtime. But I’ll bet she’ll be up and whining around 4:30am tomorrow!    

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