About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #65 – No Work on the Shop and a Shopping Trip


Wednesday, May 9th, 2018……  I got to sleep in today! Lydia got up and took Rylee outside while I slept. She came back to bed and put super pooper up there with us.  We played a bit then we all got up and got going for the day.  I went out and got breakfast and coffee/tea and then after bringing everything back and eating. I worked out in the shop for a while.  Rylee is now used to following me around just about everywhere I go so she went out to there with me.  I also took her to the motorhome and she went right up in there to check it out. I did have to hold on to her as she went back down the steps but she wasn’t too scared at all. The guys didn’t show up today – no call or text – so I’m not sure what’s going on. My sister had me on standby today.  She took Quincy in to the vet this morning to have a small skin tag removed from Quincy’s chest.  Then she headed off to her radiation appointment. I was on call if Quincy was ready to be picked up before she got back.  Turns out they waited until sis got home so I wasn’t needed. Later, Penny came over and brought Quincy to rest here with me so her and Lydia could take off to go to Kohl’s.  They both got the 20% off mailing that starts today and they want to see if they can find stuff for the Maui trip.  But before they left they noticed the sale doesn’t start until tomorrow so they will wait.  But since Quincy was resting on our bed here we decided to drive into Albany for some seafood.  We like The Depot just outside old town Albany.  They have really tasty scallops.  I like their shrimp salad with homemade blue cheese dressing.  The fries are also hand cut and come out nicely cooked and not greasy.  They are a bit pricey but hey, we only go there every now and then. Kind of like Tony’s on the Pier back in Redondo Beach back in SoCal. We got back, full and happy.  Penny gathered up Quincy and took her home.  She will have to rest up a few days before she is allowed to run but is doing well. Rylee was a little disappointed that she couldn’t chase her around but she will soon. We watched our own taped shows until we got together to watch Survivor before calling it a night.        

Thursday, May 10th, 2018……  I mentioned before that we have been leaving Rylee to the run of the house at night.  We have to leave the doggie door closed because we have coyotes howling out there most of the night so she can’t go out. For the most part she’s been good, just a few accidents where she’s missed the piddle pads. Last night she came in about 2:00am and woke me up. We went outside and she peed and then came back in and followed me back to bed and wanted up.  She ended up sleeping with us the rest of the night. She woke me up about 5:30am and I took her out again. I was awake but took her back to play on the bed so I could relax some more. Later, she managed to get around to jump up on Grammy’s head and got her up too! We ended up starting our day about then. I showered and ate breakfast and walked her while Lydia got ready.  She had to go for labs this morning.  I didn’t hear from Tim or Dana all day yesterday and they hadn’t come by this morning so I texted asking if they were ok. “Yep”, was all I got. I’m guessing they are taking some time off. Lydia left a little later and went and picked up Penny and they went to Kohls.  I took Rylee out for a little walk around the yard. My knee has been bothering me since I was working on my sister’s sprinklers.  I felt it stretch and pop when I was kneeling down.  It was ok until today – now it’s swollen and is really sore. I walked on it out in the flower beds until I started to limp. I was checking things out to see what work I need to do to clean up the weeds. I can’t kneel down right now, and Lydia can only do so much at any one time, so, we decided today that we would call Kirk to come back and do some flower bed cleaning for us.  Not like last time – just a few days.  I still need to call him to come over and tell him what we want. Probably next week.  We put stupid head in my room for the night.  She’s been ok with run of the house but still misses the piddle pads so Lydia wants her crated. I just locked her in the room with the doggie door.           

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