About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #68 – A Round of Grass Cutting and Work Continues on the Jobsite

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018……  Nice sleeping night last night.  The weather was warm yesterday but once the sun went down, it cooled off nicely. It’s not like SoCal where it stays warm all night.  As a matter of fact, it actually gets chilly at night.  So, we still are keeping the sliders in the bedroom closed. We got up this morning and lazily started our day. We played with monster puppy for a while and got her fed and then pooped and then pooped out and ready for her nap.  Eat, run, run, run, run – plop down and snooze!  My plan today was to mow the lawn. So, I had to go out and get the tractor out of the shop this morning so Dana’s truck wouldn’t block me in.  The weather turned again. It was overcast early, but the sun came out around noon. Plus, it wasn’t hot.  Just right for mowing the lawn. I waited until it was nice and warm with a breeze and started in.  The lawn itself only takes me about an hour to do.  I want to keep on it so it doesn’t get too high and throw too much grass out for mulch.  This worked out well.  I also plan to do some string trimming around the areas I can’t get the tractor in. Maybe tomorrow for that. Everything looked good. The flowerbeds still look terrible, though.  Kirk will be working on them soon but he texted that he can’t get over until Friday. After getting the lawn finished, I was done for the day.  I came in and showered and relaxed and watched leg three of the Amgen Tour of California.  Tim and Dana got here fairly early (for Oregon time) and this time brought Jessica, Tim’s daughter, who was off today, to help out. She’s a good worker. They first started cleaning up the jobsite, and got everything ready for the inspector, who showed up on time and passed everything so that’s good.  They got all of the nailheads sealed over, ready for paint, plus they got most of the roof shingled. They stop working up there when it gets hot.  Dana says Tim doesn’t like to step on the hot shingles because it makes marks. Did I say he was picky!  They also got all of the four windows installed.  Tomorrow they will get the man doors in and finish up the roof. The electrical rough-in is due on Thursday. We’ll see.  Rylee is glad when they come.  She runs over to say hi and the nail gun doesn’t bother her anymore. Jessica is in love with her and wants a puppy!   
Our problem today was that she now thinks it’s ok to take off and run over there. We are watching closely especially when the work crew shows up. Later, we ate leftovers and watched tv until bedtime. 

End of Day 29….

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018……  We slept in this morning. I went in to get the pooch and let her out around 5:00am and even though later we had a fluffy white visitor on our bed, we didn’t get up until 6:00am!  Rare for us!  But we still try different things to get a better routine.  Right now, we play with her after dinner and wear her out.  She sleeps from about 8:00pm and is wide awake at our bedtime and wants to play. We put her to bed and she quiets down pretty quickly now but she will wake us up about 3:30-4:00am (today we were lucky). Tonight I’m taking her for a night walk right before we go to bed to see if that helps tire her out enough to sleep later in the morning. Tim and Dana got here this morning and got started on the remaining tasks to get the garage weathered in.  First task was to finish the roof shingles and the roof vents, so that’s done.  They installed one of the two pedestrian doors. Now that the shear inspection is approved, they can finish the front and rear of the garage. That’s for tomorrow. The electrician is supposed to be here early tomorrow for rough-in.  Plenty of work while he gets going on that. They need to install the second door and then work on the house wrap front and back, install inside shear walls front and back, install outside finished siding front and back, plus seal those nailheads as well.  Except for the garage door, that would make the garage weather tight. Then they’ll need to put up the battens on the outside walls, and then seal those, then it’s ready for paint. The rain gutters come next, then they can move to the inside to insulate and drywall.  That’s only after the electrical rough-in is done and inspected. Not sure of the order for all of this, but as you can see, there is plenty of work still to do.  But it’s getting there!  I got out to work on installing the bug zapper we bought from QVC and got it set up in the flowerbed.  I ran an electrical cord under the porch to it and was also able to now plug in the motorhome on this new line.  That eliminates the line I had running in through the office window. It did hurt a bit to get down on my sore knee but I went slow and took it easy. Penny came by and brought Quincy to run. Problem is Rylee sees her and wants out to play with her!  If we don’t let her out, she whines and wiggles at the door. She did get her walk and spent time running – ok, so it was running from Rylee, but she got some exercise.  Later, we decided to go for Chinese for dinner so we put Quincy in our room and closed the door and gated stupid head in the bathroom so she didn’t have run of the house with the doggie door closed. We had a nice meal and Penny and Quincy went home and we kicked back and rested for the evening.            

End of day 30…  Not much to see at the end of the day so no pics today.

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