About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Oregon Living 2017 – Blog #108 – Christmas Stuff is Done! Plus - a Time To Reflect


Saturday, December 30th, 2017…...  I did my wait thing this morning to see if my dog walking services were needed but Penny texted that she’s still doing ok (yaay!) so I wasn’t needed.  I spread out the day between watching college bowl games on tv and moving all of the Christmas stuff from the porch to the shop.  I sure am glad I have put up all of the rack shelving out there in the shop.  I took a picture before pulling it all down so I can get it back the same.  Even with all of the shelving space I am looking at adding even more. It’s just nice to have all of the room to do that. 

Sunday, December 31st, 2017…...  LAST DAY OF 2017!  I always said that we kick back on the weekends.  But today we did some more cleanup around the house and shop.  Lydia worked on cleaning and dusting things we couldn’t get to with all the Christmas stuff out.  I went out early to the shop and got all of the boxes and crates stored back up on the racks. So that’s done. The rest of the day we just rested and watched tv.  No plans tonight – I don’t imagine we’ll even make it to midnight. 

So now it’s time to reflect about 2017 a bit.  I won’t go into the world’s issues here – just our year in general.  We ended 2016 with a plan – to make a life changing move.  After living all of our life in So Cal it was time for a change. Yes, we were ready.  We evaluated our current lifestyle.  Yes, we had a good life in Calif. with a bunch of great friends and a busy (at least to us) social life. But after much thought, we made the decision to make the move to a different location and a new stage in our lives. Oregon was our choice after our many years traveling all over the US in our rv.  We didn’t want frozen tundra nor more snow than we can deal with nor did we want to live in barren desert.  We like green, not brown. We did want seasons. We also didn’t want a tract home, next door to neighbors but we didn’t want to be isolated from civilization either. With all that in mind we decided that the Willamette Valley in central Oregon fit our needs. A bit of rain, maybe some snow (not yet!), but definitely seasons and most importantly – not in California. We were tired of many things in Cali – traffic, crime, smog, crowded stores, long lines, rude people, and, sorry, not meant to be prejudicial but so many folks we have no cultural ties with. We found folks up here to be a breath of fresh air.  Everyone we have met has been friendly and welcoming (contrary to beliefs about Californians moving here!). Yes, we have rednecks and crime and some homeless, and even some traffic if you’re in a larger city during rush hour. But the skies are clean and the air is crisp and we love life up here!  We made the right choice.  We’ve seen the weather at it’s worst and we’re ok with it so far.  The rain is nice (even though it holds me back from being outside when I want to).  No snow yet but we’ve experienced black ice (although not a lot). Everything is what we’ve expected and we’re thrilled with it all.  The hardest part of being here is that we’re not close to the friends we’ve made in Calif. Plus family can’t just run up and visit when they want (900 miles one way from Long Beach to Lebanon & 3,163 miles one way from Ft Myers FL to Lebanon). But, hey, we have an rv and can travel too! So, back to our year. Now that we’re in and operational, we are working on fixing up and improving on what we have and what we want. We bought my riding mower, a utility trailer, some new tools and tables and cabinets for the shop and some new furniture and carpet runners for the house. We’ve gotten our landscaping jump started with new plants and mulch and new sprinklers and our fruit trees and shrubs in good shape. Our rv garage project is in progress.  And most important, we are both healthy. So, all in all, we are moving right along with our new life in Oregon!  We love it! Happy times! 

To all of our friends - we’d like to wish all of you a safe and prosperous 2018!   Please think about coming up to visit us.  We have plenty of room for you, be it in the house or out on the property in your rv.  You’re all welcome and we look forward to your visit!  Happy New Year!

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